Oh! Watch out, it's one of those posts about "relationships", so if you don't want to read about my incessant ramblings on this matter, don't.
I was reading a post from my cousin, Michelle on what she looks for in a guy, so I thought, "Hey. Lets do that too!" So here we are.
Sense of Humor: Who doesn't love to laugh? I really like those guys who are hilarious, nerdy and naive without really knowing just how funny they actually are, but just are. Silly, goofy, carefree, but knows when he needs to be serious as well.
Compassion: Guys who genuinely care about the people around them and are fair, kind, sweet, and everything in between... now that's hard to find.
Respect: Not in the way that he ABSOLUTELY must hold the door for every woman kind of a respect, but to be respectful of others. It's a big deal in my culture, and I find that a guy who can respect elders and everyone else, to be extremely attractive.
Ambitious: He has to have some kind of goal and is in the process of actually achieving it, because talk isn't as impressive as the act of doing it. He can talk all he wants to about how he wants to do this or that, but if he isn't even really trying any of that... it doesn't really count.
Honest: In a way that he can come talk to me about anything and isn't afraid of what I'll think or say, but because he trusts me enough and is comfortable enough with me to tell me anything.
Responsible: If you tell me you're going to show up at 3:30, you better be there at 3:30 on the dot, or early. If you hit a car and the person who owns the car isn't there, you better get out of your car and leave your name, number, and information. If you drink, don't drive. Have a job. You get the picture.
Stable: Has his priorities straightened, a good head on his shoulders, not temperamental.
Intelligent: He doesn't have to be a genius, but he needs to know how to hold a conversation, needs to know what's going on. Witty. What really impresses me, is random facts. LOL I don't know why. Or the history behind things because that always fascinates me.
Open Minded: I'm very open-minded, and I cannot stand people who can't see both sides to everything.
Well Groomed: I don't mind long hair on guys, as long as it's clean. Their clothes has to be clean... just... be clean and smell nice, and I'll be fine. I promise to do the same for you.
Romantic: I can't stand cheesy-cheesy stuff. Little things here and there, I would love. Like the occasional flowers, just because, or the kisses to the forehead, or how when it's raining he's willing to run out in the rain and get the car to pull it to the front so I won't have to get as wet, and the "Wow, you look beautiful" (because guys don't use that word enough), or him grabbing for my hand first and intertwining it with mine because he wants everyone to know that "Hey, look. She belongs with me, and not you", or the surprise can of soup when I'm sick, or him watching a movie with me that he absolutely hates but will watch it anyways just because he knows I love it, kind of romantic. It's the small gestures that mean the most.
As of right now, that's all I can think of, but I'm sure there's more of what I look for in a guy.
I don't think my "standards" are high, I'm pretty much looking for what most girls are looking for.
I get asked, "Why haven't you ever had a boyfriend?" a million times, and when I say "because I've never had the chance" or "It's just never happened", I really mean it.
My parents were strict, I never got to go anywhere (seriously) until Senior year, and even that was extremely limited. Yes, I get asked out... but either I wasn't attracted to them, or they were creepers and jerks. Yes, there have been a couple of times when I almost had a boyfriend, but things just always fell through with them.
It really would be nice to have a boyfriend, and I do think about it, but it's not something that's constantly on my mind. When I see a guy or meet a guy, the thought of "could he be my boyfriend" never crosses my mind. Generally, I automatically put all guys in the "friends" category when I meet them and I never really think twice about it until something happens, and I usually never think a guy likes me that way when they first meet me either. It's not a self-esteem or lack of confidence issue, I just never think about it.
And there are guys that I think are cute, but that usually isn't enough to get me to like them. I won't start figuring out that I like someone until we're friends and I get to know them. It's weird, I dunno. If an absolute stranger asked me out, my first thought would be "no", because I have no idea who they are or what they're like, and I know that that's what the dating process is for... but I don't want to hangout with a complete stranger. I just find that very odd for some reason, because the imagery that pops up in my head is us sitting at a restaurant with nothing to talk about and it's just awkward. The other thought that goes in my head is that since he doesn't even know me and he asked me out because of the way I look, than it's obviously not my personality he's going for, know what I mean?
Anyway, either way I'm not too worried. He'll come around eventually. =D Probably can't afford a white horse or that shining armor right now and is stuck in another country without a GPS system that leads straight to me, so he has to date all the wrong people before he finds me. LOL
I'm pretty patient! Waited this long, right? Waiting a bit longer doesn't bother me.