Jul 22, 2009 00:20
Here's how I see life:
It's short, so you have to do the things you love and the things that make you the happiest.
My parents didn't really support me becoming a teacher, they always bring up the fact that teaching doesn't pay well. I know that, everybody knows that, but the thing of it is is that I've wanted to be a teacher since I was in Junior High.
Yes, it might not pay well, and yes, I will more than likely at some point in my life, struggle with money. I've thought it through with all the pros and cons.
I would rather wake-up everyday and go to a job I love and struggle with money, than to have to wake-up every morning knowing I'm going to hate the next eight or nine hours of my day even if it brings in a lot of money. I think I would become an angry, bitter person if I were stuck with a job I hated and had no passion for.
Money is a big deal, I know that. Money gets you things, it flies you places, it reassures a large portion of your life, I get it... but it also makes you take a lot for granted, makes you buy things you don't need, makes you wasteful and spoiled.
Sometimes, less is more.
The more money you have, the more dependent on things you become that aren't necessarily essential to your life but you make it essential because you have the money and you don't know what else to do with it. There's not enough materialistic things in this world that could make you as happy as the feeling you get when you do something you love.
I want to change someone's life, whether it be a big change or a minute one, and I think teaching is one career that gives you a large opportunity to do that. I might not be able to change the world, but I could change a student's outlook on life; I could make them be more open-minded, I could expand their minds' with information they didn't know before they entered my room. Now that's power used in a good way.
So my parents and anyone can argue with me all they want. It's not about the money at all, because if it was, I wouldn't be wanting to teach. It's so much more than that.
I am more than any amount of money anyone could pay me, so why settle for something just because of the paycheck?
I think we all have something to contribute to the world, we all have something to give. We're not here to live just for the money so we can do things with it.
Who says you need money to be happy and have fun, anyway?
Why pay for a pool when you can go to a lake?
So here's how I see it. You do what you love and you follow your heart, and everything else will eventually fall into place.
At least that's my blind faith and hope. But I'm very optimistic about it.