Why Macs Suck

Apr 08, 2007 17:53

Because they do.

Here's why (not list formatted because I'm lazy)!

No ability to upgrade hardware, its a friggin closed system

Complete lack of 3rd party freeware (and don't give me, "ZOMG I have this one program" I know they exist, but in order of freeware programs availability, it really does go 1) Linux 2) Windows 3) Mac OS)

The filesystem makes no sense, applications aren't in the applications folder, the desktop is your documents folder, making a really cluttered desktop

That said, its ridiculously hard to find out where the fuck something is (its file path, I KNOW there's a search feature)

Its command line is friggin impossible, its Unix, nuff said (there's no goddamn "Help" command, seriously, what designer thought people WOULDN'T type in help?)

Its BIOS is ridiculously obscure, yes, I know, you can hold down certain keys during startup, but it doesn't tell you what. Windows' BIOSes actually TELL you right there what keys to press, but you have to go scrounge up your manual or look online. I know online isn't hard, but seriously guys, it should be readily available for your "ease of use" BS to be true

Okay, on windows, if something goes wrong, or there's something you want to change, its pretty easy to play around to figure out what to do, because everything's right there and ready to use. With Macs, you have to know what you're doing beforehand, you can't right click (I'm sorry, OPTION+click) and click properties and have control over the file or whatever.

Yes, whoopdedoo, there are few viruses, but that's also because its a ridiculously hostile dev environment

Program files cannot be hacked, because they're all grouped in the same file. System files are separate (when you can find them) except they're scattered all throughout the crazy ass file system and impossible to find

There are no file extensions! Seriously, what's the .exe equivalent on Macs? Don't know? That's because you're never told! Its .app! Every single file I've gotten that a program on a mac has generated has required I add my own file extension.

No registry! I like the windows registry, complete control and knowledge of how Windows will handle file extensions!

In response to the Mac ad about out of the box: That's complete bullshit, about the drivers and what not. Most stuff is plug n play these days, and Windows doesn't require incredibly amounts of setting up, it asks your name and what time it is and other basic stuff like that. As to setting up the hardware: Guys, its mostly color coded, and they ALL come with "take this and put it here" diagrams that an idiot could understand *insert Geico joke here*

Windows come with a lot of apps, and those that aren't on the computer you can find FREE easily contra, Macs, which come with programs, but you're pretty much stuck with those.

Please note: none of this refers to Vista, that thing is crap and doesn't deserved to be called an OS
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