On a happier note, to celebrate my probably-not-long-lived return to the blogosphere, here is part 1 of A TOY POST
Before I get to the pictures, here is probably a good place to mention that I
catalogued all my books with librarything. The best way to browse is probably to click on "Tags" at the top, and you will see that I have made some attempt at sorting my books into categories. The major subjects also have their own collections, but everything in a collection should be tagged appropriately anyway.
Before anyone says anything, it didn't take *that* long - I have a barcode scanner, and the librarything software is automatically linked to Amazon, the British Library, Library of Congress, and about 500 other different sources.
It's a-me, a-Vigilante! After several decades of DC Comics action figures, the bottom of the barrel has officially been scraped and I finally have a toy version of the D-list Punisher-ripoff character that I took the name of my internet persona from. TBH this is pretty awesome.
A set of character keychains from the DS game Zookeeper - thanks to Nick for introducing me to this rather addicitive little gem many years ago. A somewhat cutdown flash version can be found
here - swap the animal tiles around to make lines of three or more of the same animal.
Although I do not lament the loss of carrying them up flights of stairs, one good thing about CRT monitors was that there was room to put stuff on top of them. Nowadays my desktop toys have to hang out on and around my keyboard. Here's what I've got currently (why yes, that is a chibi Sean Connery as Henry Jones, surely this needs no explanation)
Stylised Japanese dinosaur skeletons. I can't remember what this line is called, I don't even think it had an English name. Some of them came with weapons and stuff that you could bolt onto them. Bonus: they glow in the dark!
More dinosaur models, but the theme here is that they are all killing and/or eating stuff, as all good dinosaurs should.
Super Mario PVC figures - the good guys:
...and the bad:
I bet I'm the only person you know that has a toy nudibranch collection.
Although the main distribution model for Telltale Games' new Monkey Island games was digital download, if you preordered the whole season you could send off for this Special Edition release for only $15 extra. Remember when games came with awesome stuff like this as standard?
A bunch of "feelies" related to season 2 of Telltale's Sam n' Max games that you could buy separately. I actually have no idea of the meaning of any of this, since my PC is too crap to play the games!
"Tell me Doctor, where are we goin' this time?" Great toy, or GREATEST toy?
Part 2 coming soon, which will mostly be wildlife models and Minimates.