After last week's carboot haul I am currently sharing my room with a metric shit-ton of Simpsons action figures.
I paid £100 for all the boxed toys, and £15 for all the loose figures. From my research, I should be able to pay off the initial investment with the boxed ones outlined in red (the green glow-in-the-dark Homer alone is worth £50), and the loose figures outlined in green. After that it's all gravy!
I really like these toys. They're made by Playmates, who are very good at making solid toys that are not overcomplicated. Playmates also made the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles figures, which, as many of you of a similar age to myself may remember, you could pretty much run over with a truck and they'd still be good to go. They also had excellent detailing without taking away from the cartoon-inspired style of the line, and came with a fistful of accessories.
I keep having to fight the temptation to keep a bunch of these guys - no, I need money for holiday! I may actually just keep the McBain figure, as he's a character I've always liked.
Oh, and I'll be mobile again next weekend, yay! New car is a Ford Fiesta, I'm going to pick it up on Saturday. I can't wait to get back on the road - I took the train back from Bournemouth on Friday night, and it felt like a real step backward! I also had to miss a Bartitsu seminar yesterday, which I am rather irritated about.