TRAILER TRAUMA 2 (2016) *** ½

May 04, 2016 10:07

I proclaimed Trailer Trauma to be one of the greatest trailer compilations of all time when it was released just a few short months ago. Now along comes Trailer Trauma 2 to up the ante. The sequel offers up an embarrassment of riches as it contains over 200 minutes of horror movie trailers. Although I have seen plenty of the films featured, I’d say I’ve never seen about 80% of the actual trailers before. With so many trailer compilations on the market, that comes as high praise.

My usual complaint about these trailer compilations is that they never know when to quit as most of them run on too long. However, I will let that complaint slide since this is a virtual assault on the senses. At over three hours, it’s fun to watch it as an endurance test. I freely admit; I had to stop the movie twice (once for a bathroom break, and the other to get more bourbon), but for the most part; I was riveted to my damn seat.

In addition to horror movie trailers, we also get a cool MPAA ratings system PSA that kicks things off. The concentration is mostly on ‘70s horror, with only a handful of trailers from other decades occasionally turning up. Because of that, many of the trailers are tame, but there are still a few that deliver their share of blood, gore, and T & A.

I could tell you some of the highlights, but that would be spoiling the fun. Part of the magic of this compilation is seeing which trailer will turn up next. (Besides, there’s a whopping 93 trailers here, so if I listed them, we’d be here all day.) I will say that fans of Hammer horror will be glad to know that they are well represented and Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee pop up numerous times throughout the running time.

I have to tell you, I was pretty numb by the time it was all over. (The bourbon might’ve had something to do with that too.) I’m sure the filmmakers could’ve cut the flick in half and sold it as two separate features and I still would’ve bought them both. I’m glad they went all Lawrence of Arabia on us though and stuck with the epic running time. My only suggestion is that next time, maybe throw in an Intermission. Other than that, this is one of the best trailer compilations ever made.

sequel, t, compilation, horror

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