(Ryan Kenner from Movies in the Attic
http://moviesintheattic.blogspot.com/ has been after me to review more Jean Claude Van Damme movies. So he sent me this Van Damme flick. I hope it lives up to expectations.)
Jean Claude Van Damme stars as a junkie cop tracking down his former partner-turned-kingpin Stephen Rea. When he finally finds him, Rea shoots him in his head and Van Damme falls into a coma. When he wakes up, Van Damme has a massive change of heart and tries to make things right with his estranged wife. Naturally, once Rea learns JCVD is back on his feet, he comes after him again.
The first half of Until Death plays like Van Damme’s version of Bad Lieutenant. He shoots heroin, bangs hookers, and beats up tow truck drivers when they try to haul away his car. If you’ve written off Van Damme’s acting ability, you’ll be surprised to learn that he is very good in these early scenes. It’s a joy to watch him playing a burned out cop who doesn’t give a shit about anything. Plus, he’s sporting a pair of badass sideburns too.
However, once Van Damme wakes up out of his coma and tries to make amends, the movie goes in the toilet. Fast. To make matters worse, he shaves off his sideburns. I guess it was one of those Samson type deals. Without his sideburns, he’s more or less powerless. He also loses his badass credentials in a hurry. And without the novelty of Van Damme playing a total dick, Until Death turns into another SSDD DTV POS PDQ.
The good news is that director Simon Fellows is improving. His previous Van Damme effort, Second in Command was atrocious. With Until Death, he shows he is a capable director (especially in the early going), but I just wish he gave some of the kooky camerawork a rest. It was almost as if he was trying to turn the movie into a Hong Kong director era Van Damme flick or something.
I do have to admit I was disappointed with the lack of Kung Fu on Van Damme’s part. I’m sure that was his attempt to “grow” as an actor since he was playing a more mature role. But honestly, this flick would’ve benefited from a couple of patented JCVD splits or spin kicks. And when there is some action, it consists of poorly edited shootouts and half-assed Mexican standoffs.
Still, I can’t completely dismiss this movie. Van Damme’s acting in the first half alone makes it sorta recommended. Because of that, I’ll just file it under “Interesting Failure” and call it a day.
AKA: Detective. AKA: Unfinished Business.