Aug 22, 2008 10:00
So college kind of kicked my ass. And life in general.
Mondays wednesday friday i don't finish class until 7, tuesday thursday it's 8. That's an ass load of time. And I've got jazz percussion (so ballin) and marching band (so much fucking time) mixed in there.
Here's yesterday.
I go to class. American government. It's stuff I learned last year. Literally. In a class where I got a 98. AND he said he's putting all the power points online. So notes were out of the question. I got this guy named nick's number. That's all that really happened that class.
Then I went to go get my uniform for marching fucking band. So I get it, and the people there were kind of ridiculous. Bull shit over a 10$ deposit. And my book bag broke. Cool guys.
I go to marching band an hour early for pit rehearsal. I'm late for that, and being late just pisses me off. I'm ridiculously punctual. I mean ridiculously. It took me 6 minutes to drive from my house to Alyssa's. 3 and a half to sam's. And about 11 to Tyler Knapp. I never timed tyler frisbee's, but it was about 80 steps. Ridiculously punctual. Anyways, shitty part about band. After practice I'm putting up my instrument and helping other people put there's up. So when I go back for my stuff some girl picked up my folder and said I left it and have to pay a "stupid fee" to get it back. So I said "Fuck that. You can hold onto it for me" and walked away.
I leave marching band and go to eat with batman. Then after dinner I decide to walk back to my dorm, and of course it starts raining. Not enough to actually be raining, but enough to make me move faster.
I get back to my room and realize I left my book bag in batman's car. So I call him, and he say it's not there. So I call the uniform girl and she says she found it, but I have to pay a stupid fee for it and if i wanted it i could meet her in the uniform room at 930. These stupid fees are beginning to piss me off. So I go to the uniform room at 915. Again, punctual. Then I thought, hang on, it's right there. So I took it and left. Oh and my ipod was in there. So we would've had some issues. I'm ok leaving most things, but my music is a tough thing to rip away from me.
After all that I went running. So good.
Then I come home and it says Becky's no longer listed as in a relationship.
I think i'm completely over alyssa because of a girl i've hardly talked to.
Then me and clint went to buy food. We came back with butterfingers, reese's, twix(which exploded!), and nutter butter. He was high as fuck and ate the majority of it. After that we watched beach volleyball and I was cheered up because that shit was intense and USA won.
I think I'm ok. I've got my favorite class today, jazz percussion, and marching band. And i'm playing wii with tim tonight I think. So I'll be alright.
I hope everyone's life is going well for them. I'm beginning to miss a lot of people.
Peace n Love