So apparently, while is Tucson, someone hacked my facebook account...I think this is the 5th time now? I have no idea what I have done. I haven't clicked on any spam links. I haven't shared my password with anyone. Ugh, it's so annoying cause now my account is disabled. Normally, I wouldn't really care, but there's a free show tomorrow night in our store, and that's the only reason I put up with promote.
But yeah, FREE SHOW in Vertical House Records tomorrow (Friday July 3rd) night starting at 8pm. It's with an old Huntsvillian, Geoff Geis and Andy and I are playing on four of his songs. Andy's on drums and I'm on shakers, xylophone, and back up vocals. It'll be a fun time! Come one, come all! BYOB and all that good stuff :)