Drabble: The Red and the Bleach

Feb 14, 2010 13:24

Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Title: The Red and the Bleach
Prompt: BtVS, Spike/Willow (not Vamp!Willow) by fillidius
Summary: Willow finds an unexpected guest in her dorm room. Set after Something Blue.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Have it, Joss, have it all!

Author's Note: Prompt me, prompt me!

“Spike! W-why are you here? Why aren't you tied up?”

“C'mon. Rupert can't handle handcuffs,” Spike smiled ambiguously which Willow decided to ignore.

“O-okay,” her voice was trembling. “What can I do you for?” The smile was still there. “For you, I mean.” Stupid Xander.

“I don't like you. Well, not you you. You Scoobies. You are someone I can stand.”

“Oh?” He-can't-bite-me-he-can't-bite-me.

“But. Your werewolf longing's getting old. Wanna get over him? Use me, do me, tie me. Whatever flows your boat.”

That's kinda sweet, Willow thought before declining the offer.

ficcing, buffy is love of my life, ch: willow rosenberg, buffy:s4, p: willow/spike, ch: spike, drabble aka 100 words

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