Buffy 2010 Winter Olympics

Feb 19, 2010 19:44

Five Olympics sports you would like to see characters from your fandom(s) participate in.

... was today's question in fannish5 , so my brother and I decided to pick several Buffyverse characters to represent our fandom on the Winter Olympic Games. Every our choice is backed up by actual canon facts. So let's see...

1. Alpine Skiing

Cordelia, of course! She's been to Aspen. Skiing. With actual snow. 'Nuff said.

2. Bobsleigh

We chose Spike, Angel, Andrew and Dawn for the four-man bobsleigh team, 'cause they're all experienced with... well, not exactly bobsleighs but definitely with bikes, and bobsleighs, bikes, almost the same, right? *jokes* I know Wesley also rode a bike in canon (and I'm pretty sure Faith did as well, even though we never got to see it), but it's more practical with Spike being a captain and with Angel, Andrew and Dawn as his team mates, 'cause he's already shared a bike with them. And I know Dawn isn't allowed to compete in the same team as them but she can always pull Mulan and join in anyway.

3. Curling

We figured the Broom Dancers from "Once More, With Feeling" would be great for the job. Sorry, we know almost nothing about this sport so we made a silly joke. *g*

4. Figure Skating

I say one Buffy Summers. I don't have to explain anything this time, do I?

5. Ice Hockey

I was watching women's ice hockey and I realized it was kinda hot. Even without the hot factor, our choice would be Faith. She has the right amount of aggressiveness and Slayer's strength and preciseness so needed for this sport.

You go, Buffyverse!

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so called meta, comm: fannish5, lists make me happy, ch: angel, ch: buffy summers, buffy is love of my life, ch: dawn summers, ch: andrew wells, ch: spike, ch: cordelia chase, ch: faith lehane

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