Drabble: The Friend of My Enemy

Feb 08, 2010 17:47

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: The Friend of My Enemy
Prompt: Harry Potter, Harry/Pansy, resistance, underground by inkypress
Summary: AU HP OotP :-P
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: JKR is the one you're looking for.

Author's Note: Yup, I still accept prompts here. *almost begs for new challenges*

Someone grabbed his arm in the hallway.
“The underground resistance movement you lead? Dumbledore's Army? I want in.”
He couldn't decide which part was more shocking: that his secret group wasn't so secret after all or that Pansy Parkinson wanted to join it. Or so she claimed.
Harry looked her in the eyes and saw Slytherin.
He saw a person laughing at his misfortune.
He saw a girl with Draco Malfoy's head on her lap.
After a moment - which felt like forever to him - Harry simply nodded. He learnt, at this point, that some things just remain to be seen.

ficcing, p: harry/pansy, ch: pansy parkinson, harry potter: the order of the phoenix, harry potter is my bookish love, ch: harry potter, drabble aka 100 words

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