Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Title: You and I
Prompt: BtVS, Xander/Spike, similar by
lusciousxander Summary: Season 7, Xander and Spike are living together.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Joss' and Fox are the owners.
Author's Note: I still accept prompts
The vampire's head appeared in a bathroom door. “Yeah?“
Xander was holding a mug filled with blood he just found in a microwave. “Um, yuck?”
Spike took over the drink and tasted it with a satisfied smile. “You eat meat, I drink blood. Can't see the diff.”
“Hmm,” Xander nodded sarcastically. “Wanna share stories about killing people?”
Spike rolled his eyes. “Oh, drop you royal act already, will you? You, soul. I, soul. Plenty of dead little animals for both of us.”
“Whatever. One more thing. Unless I declare 'Naked Week', wear a towel!”
Spike grinned. “You noticed, huh?”