WHO: Lillian, Heather
WHERE: Basement, laundry room
WHEN: July 17th, 2012; after school (and after Lilly sent her letter)
WHY: Laundry and bonding go hand in hand.
That was just a silly thing to do. Why'd you think sending that letter was a good idea?
Lillian berated herself all the way back downstairs from the attic, stopping by her room to pick up her laundry hamper along the way. It wasn't like her to do things like this; she didn't ordinarily write such personal things where people she could see. Her diary had a lock on it and it was in turn buried under sketchbooks that were in turn locked inside her trunk. Lillian shared personal paintings with others and posted her poetry in a blog online but those weren't written confessions of misdeeds. Especially misdeeds of a sanity-questioning nature.
Either Saturday's stressful event had finally pushed her over the edge or her ongoing nightmares were seriously skewing her judgement. Even after the demon encounter, Lillian was skeptical of the mailboxes. But maybe a ghost would have some insight into her situation or a few words of comfort to help her sleep at night.
Upon reaching the girl's side entrance to the basement, Lillian stopped for a moment, just listening. Oh, good, no one was here. Not that she'd expected it to be full. There were some benefits to staying on campus for summer school, one of the biggest being able to use the laundry room without waiting for the machines to be free. Laundry day could be complete chaos and madness during the regular school year sometimes.
Lillian sighed and started sorting her clothes: one pile on the floor for darks, another for whites, and another for delicates. She didn't have much that needed to be done this week but it gave her a nice mundane task to take her mind off of anything serious, weird, or supernatural.