Haha, I don't even know why I post this,

Jan 11, 2010 16:42

If no one is going to read it, anyways.

Just like my favourite writer said, "Hysteria is plain ridiculous without an audience," or something to that effect, anyway.
I haven't been writing much, persay. Just little sentences, verses really. To tell the truth, I haven't done any real writing in months. The work that I do in school is meaningless; It's nothing but pointless prompts and persuading someone else to believe what you don't even believe yourself. Waste of time, and I'm not just saying that because I'm lazy. Okay, well that aspect certainly adds on to it, but you understand.
Also, history. What's the point of learning about people that only affected the world a century ago? How would that help us move forward, and progress society/our lives? If everyone learns the same thing, how could we create anything new? Haha, like a Student Administrator is going to read this and care. :P
Anyways, here's a little morsel of what I have going on in my head.

-She's cotton candy words with sticky fingers and lip stick to match, and the ferris wheels in her eyes that spark like a match
This fever taking hold of me, it's feeling too much like gravity. Take this hand from my mouth and let me sing.
The carousel is turning, my mind is blurring, and now the world's tipped too far off it's centre, I can't seem to find where I fall.
It's all for one, but everything for all.
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