Jun 16, 2004 22:08
My new job is.......well.....I am not going to be picky. I asked and He answered. Its exactly what I thought it would be. I was pretty tired when I came home from lifting those boxes around. Its not fun, but what job is supposed to be? There are several nice people there. They told me I am generally going to work nights, but will have me work a few mornings. Early mornings start at 6, and they arent too hard. They have whats called "Showtime" where we take all the plastic off the clothes and clip those annoying plastic security tags onto the clothes. Most of the people that work the Showtime are older men and women. All these old guys and myself stood there for hours doing our jobs and talking. Them telling me about the "ancient ages" of their lives, so they called them, and me telling them about high school and my first year at college. I thought the funniest thing was that, every now and then when I was telling them about any number of the mistakes I've made, or tough spots I've gone through, or bad times, someone would give a nod or there would be a "been through that one". Everytime.
So...wait. I am not the only person that has problems? Haha. Yeah right. Next you are going to tell me the world doesnt revolve around me.
But, its not hard. Just repetive work. I asked for hours, and now I have them. A little joke from God I think. I work Thurs from 9 to 8:30, and Fri. from 8am to 11pm. Awesome.
I met a youth pastor named Jason tonight at church. Hes an awesome guy. After we got done with groups, he and I talked for a little while about my life up until this point. He just graduated college a couple of years ago, so he could relate with everything I've done and been through. Its good to find someone whos been through some of the same things as I have been and has come out alright. Hes made a good life for himself. A pretty, nice wife, an ok job but one that he loves. He's going back to school and wants to be a minister some day. I am happy about attending church now and hearing him talk. Of course the only problem is that he talks on Wed nights, and thats usually the night I go to Shelby Crossings and hear Adam talk. I guess I have to rotate weeks.
I was asked, if there was one thing I learned about God over the past year, what was it. Well, he answers prayers. Perhaps not how we want, or in the timeframe we want, but he does. And his answers or what we want.
The bible study tomorrow night is at the Model Airplane field, but we are meeting at 9pm at Winn Dixie, then carpooling over there. Thats, of course, if its doesnt rain.
Thats all the wisdom/useless crap I have to share. For now.