Didn't you hear? The horizon has indeed been defeated. Go out. Have fun. We aren't here long.

Jun 15, 2004 02:23

a new generation is rising up, that wont accept lies

Thank you for that. You know who you are.

I think today was the most wonderful day I have had in months. What was turning out to be a horrible day for some and a blah kind of day for me, turned out to be an amazing day for all. God is amazing. There's no getting around it. If you could have been a fly following all the events you would understand. God can take something that seems so horrible, and make it so beautiful. Like our lives.

I am still praying for several people. Everyone really, but I hope the right words get said to the right people. I feel like this summer is so going by so fast. Everything I want to do and people I need to see. It really feels like the last time I will be here. Even though I will be back for all the holidays. I just hope I get done what God needs me to before I leave.

I've been so busy lately, and it doesnt stop. I start the 2nd job tomorrow. 6AM.


Well, the answer to that is simple. I am not going to bed. Sense I cant seem to get to sleep until 3 anyway, why try to get 3 hours of sleep? Its not going to see this coming.

I am surprising my sleep cycle.


The job is not what I would have wanted, but I prayed and God answered my prayer. Can't be picky about that sort of thing I guess.

I have discovered jazz and I can't get enough. I have got to call Tommy and get some music from him. Louis Armstong is tha man.

If anyone does happen to pray for me, I would ask you to please remember to pray for me, especially right now. I have to make a decision.

Well. Actually, there's no decision to be made. If it is what He wants me to do, he will make it clear, and so will my decision be made clear. But I pray that I have the courage to follow through with it and the words to say. I pray I approach the situation the way it needs to be.

For those of you who haven't been coming to Bible Study, you are missing out. I hope you try to start. Just come to one, at least and see what you think. This Thurs night I convinced Braish we should have it at the Model Airplane field in Helena. It will be wonderful. And He is working through it, I know it.

I am happy and full of love. But also, wondering how I am going to make it all day tomorrow without sleep. Thank you to everyone who has talked to me over the past few days. And thousands of thanks to Andrew. I can't do you justice with words what an effect you've had in my life. Besides God, you have done more for me than anyone else to help me progress to where I am at now.

I fought the law, and the law won

Thank God, the law won.

I follow the Lion of Judah
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