survey...holy crap this a long ass survey....beware yourself

Jun 14, 2004 11:15

About You
1. Name: Neil
2. Location: Arizona
3. School: saguaro
4. Zodiac sign: Leo
5. Shoe size: 10 1/2
6 Height: 5*9
7.Eyes: Brown
8. Pets: 1 dog, 1 hamster
9. Siblings: 3 brothers (ughhh the pain n agony)
11. Haircolor: brown
12. Hair length: short
13. Ever dyed your hair? nope but ive sunbleached it..
14. Are you good in school? in some ways ya, in others hell no
19. Nicknames: too many to count. Mr. Diamond, Dirty Hobo, neileronie (thx emilie)...i have too many.
20. Do you play sports? Soccer
21. Are you a night or a morning person? Night for the most part
22. Are you ticklish? In some ways. not really though
23. Do you believe in God? yes
24. What's your screenname? BssGuit216,TheUndecided007,PimpMastaCasper5
25. Do you have braces? No
26. Do you have glasses? No
27. What do you want to be when you grow up? a writer or n actor
31. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope
35. Movie: Tommy Boy or Office Space
36. Band/Group/Artist: Nirvana!! I also like Something Corporate n Yellowcard!
37. Store: Best Buy. DEFINITLY!
39. Sport: Soccer
40. Vacation or spot: Hawaii...nevr been but ive always wanted to.
41. Ice cream flavor: Strawberry!
42. Fruit: Peaches
43. Candy: Twix...its all in the MiX!
44. Car: any car that works
45. Class: hahahha..thats funny..very funny
46. Holiday: Christmas
47. Day of the week: Friday
48. Color: blue or green
49. Magazine: the only magazine i read: MAD MAGAZINE! What Me Worry?
50. Name for a girl: Sarah(not just saying that) or Nicole
51. Name for a boy: Micheal or Sean, ive just always liked those names...
52. Sports team: dont watch 'em enough. lol
53: Month: July....
54. Animal: Definitly a gerbil...(LIZ...LOL)
56. Word: Sweet
57. Room in your house: the kitchen coz thats where the food and the computer
58. Concert you have been: none. im going to warped tour soon. only concert ive ever been to so far is a grateful dead concert when i was 6 w/my dad.
59. Meat: Chicken
60. Pizza topping: italian sausage
61. State: Arizona or opposite in weather i
62. City: the city i live in which would be.....scottsdale.
63. Feeling: the feeling u get when you've found someone you really care for...
64. College: ASU
65. Number: 11
66. Book: Matilda...dont ask....
67. Cereal: Golden Grahams
In the past 24 hours have you
68. Had a serious talk? Yes
69. Hugged someone? no
70. Fought with a friend? No
71. Cried? yes
72. Laughed? yah
73. Made someone laugh? yah
74. Bought something? Yes
75. Flirted with someone? yes
76. Felt dumb? Yes
77. Talked to someone you love? Yes
78. Missed someone? Yes
Have you ever
79. Done drugs? no...shhh
80. Eaten an entire box of oreos? lol omg i got SOO sick too...
81. Been dumped?: yes and it hurt unbelievably so....
82. Had someone be unfaithful to you? Nope thank god
83. Stayed home on saturday night, just because?: yep
84. Been in love? Yes
85. Seen the white house? yah
86. Seen the eiffel tower? yeah
87. Drank alcohol? Yes
88. Played monopoly? Yes
89. Kissed someone? Yes
90. Tried a weight loss program? No
91. Jumped on a trampoline? Yes
92. Colored in a coloring book(and had fun)?yepp
93. Had a bubble bath? Yes
94. Been on a plane? Yes
95. Been on a boat? Yes
96. Been on a train? yah
97. Been in a car accident? yah
98. Ridden an elephant? no
99. Made a web page? Yes
100. Played with legos? Yep
101. Stayed up all night? Yes
102. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? caught me
103. Broken a bone?: nope neva!
104. Called a psychic or seex hotline?: lol hotlines are funny when you n your friends are
105. Watched jerry springer? yes....ughh
106. Gotten in trouble for talking in class? Yeah
107. Been afraid of the dark? Yes
108. Been in the hospital(not visiting)? yea
109. Had stitches? nope
110. Dumped someone and regretted it? no...ive always been the dumpee'...:(
111. Went out with more than one person at a time? No
112. Lied? Yes
113. Been arrested? No
114. Fallen asleep in class? mmhmmm
115. Used food for something other than to eat? nope...unless a food fight
116. Met a celebrity? no
117. Broken the law? Yes
118. Skipped class? Yea
120. Been brokenhearted? Yes :(
121. Broken someone's heart? Yes
122. Wanted to kill someone? Yes
123. Fallen off a chair? ya...i remember a certain time at tacos pepe......
124. Lap danced? no
125. Been in a fist fight? ya a couple
126. Blow me? nah id rather not
127. Like to give hugs? Yes! of course...who doesnt...
128. Like to walk in the rain? i love the rain.
129. Sleep with or without clothes on? With
130. Prefer black or blue pens? black
131. Dress up on halloween? hell ya...
132. Have a job? not a paying one yet
133. Like someone?: Yes
134. Sleep on your side, tummy or back? all of em
135. Have a goldfish? nope. everyone i have tends to die around a time spand of a week
136. Ever have the falling dream? Yes
137. Have stuffed animals? no
138. Like to give anal seex to animals? i havent....
139. Do you believe in the horoscopes: not so much..theyre fun sometimes though
140. Do you like your handwriting: it depends
141. What superhero would you be: Spider man. HeLL YeA!!
142. Do you have any piercings: none
143. Any tattoos: nope
144. Are you picky: a little but not soo much...
145. What makes you mad: when people lie and are dishonest
146. What do you think of Bush: i DONT think of bush..
147. Who do you admire? Jack Black..definitly. cuz he plays music AND acts and he kicks ass in BOTH fields.
148. Do you like cartoons: depends on which ones. bugs bunny will ALWAYS be the best!
149. What did you do today: summer schooll..aghhhh
150. Are your parents annoying: more so than most
151. Do you own a miniskirt: well figurin since im a guy n all...nope
152. Do you floss: Yes
153. What is the farthest your have traveled: Ireland n Scottland
154. Have you ever almost died: Yes
155. What kind of shampoo do you use: whatever my mom buys
156. Do you use big words to sound smart: No
157. When you get mad, do you swear a lot? Yeah
158. Ever worn black nail polish: lol ya...on ONE
159. Do you do everything better then guch: ???
160. How many sheets are on your bed: 1
161. Whats under your bed: my photo album and some other random junk
162. Do you have your own tv and vcr: nope
163. Do you see dead people: No
164. Are you a good speller: ya. i made the class spelling bee champ 3 years in a row thank you very much!!!
165. Do you like little kids: not my brothers....but ya sure
166. Are you talented: i guess so
167. If so, how: i act, and from what people say, im pretty good
168. Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation: nope
169. Ever seen a ghost: ya. once in ireland at my gramps castle. AHH it was frightening...didnt sleep for a week
What do you think of...?
170. Abortion: thats murder, hell no
171. Bill Clinton: ughhh
172. Eating disorders: eww
173. Rap: everyone who knows me knows my status on rap....I HATE IT
174. Suicide: STUPID
175. Piercings: theyre alright, i just done have any
176. Make-up: cool as long as u dont cake it on....not TOO much is alright
177. Alcohol: good all depends
What do you think when you hear this name:
178. Jennifer: Lopez
179. Leah: ???
180. Megan: my pal who thinks i hate i dont
181. Brandon: my good friend..brandino!
182. Christina: Applegate
183. Angelina: Jolie
184. Courtney: Love
185. Lauren: ???
186. Lisa: Simpson
187. Jackie:Brown
188. Kat: Kit
189. Patrick: Sponge bob despite the fact i dont really care much for the show
This or that
190. Pierced nose or tongue? tounge
191. Serious of Funny? Funny
192. Single or taken? Single
193. Mtv or vh1? MTV
194. 7th heaven or dawson's creek? 7th heaven
195. Sugar or salt? Sugar
196. Silver or gold? Silver
197. Tongue or belly button ring? Belly button ring
198. Chocolate or flowers: chocolate
199. Color, or black and white pictures? Black and White
200. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset
201. M&M's or skittles? m&m's baby YA
202. Rap or rock? rock hell ya!
203. Stay up late or sleep in? stay up late
204. Members of the opposite seex...tall or short? tall
205. Sun or moon? Moon
206. What time is it? 1146am
207. Diamond or ruby? Diamond
208. Left or right? Right
209. Cat or dog? cat
210. Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup
211. Newspaper or magazine? magazine
212. Spring or fall? Spring
213. A year of hot seex or a lifetime of friendship? friendship
214. Happy or sad? happy
215. sneakers or sandals? sandals
216. Blondes or brunettes? both
17. Duct tape or scotch? scotch
218. Pepsi or coke? PePsI
219. Nike or adidas? adidas
Love life
220. If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: right now? wouldn't you like to knw...
221. If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: same answer to 220
222. What is the biggest turn off: not caring n thinkin your better than everyone else...isnt that the same thing? lol
223. What is the biggest turn on: good personality
224. Do you think there is a person for everyone: I hope so
225. If yes, do you know who yours is: not sure yet...i might
226. Do you believe in love at first sight: Yep
227. Have you ever been in love: Yes
228 What do you think love is: i can't explain
229. Do you think it lasts forever: sometimes, it depends
230. Do you want to get married: Yea sure one day
231. How many times: hopefully only once
232. First grade teacher's name: Ms. Mayor and Mrs. Taylor
233. Last word you said: ummm
234. Last song you sang: woke up in a car-something corporate
235. Last meal you ate: Mexican food
236. Favorite childhood cartoon: Animaniacs...all the way!
237. wat did you hate most about school: math...I HATE IT
238. Last person you flipped off: i dont remember
239. Last song stuck in your head: Darling Nikki-Foo Fighters
240. Last time you were burned: while cooking a pizza about a year
241. Last time you bled: 2 days ago while riding on the back of my friends pegs...
242. What's in your cd player: a mix
243. What color sox are you wearing: usual
244. Whats the weather like? pretty good i guess
245. What time did you wake up today: 6am
246. Who do you want to marry: man, i couldnt tell ya...
247. Are you going to college: Yup
248. If so, how long do you want to go: 4 years..the standard
249. How many kids do you want: 2. possibly 3. but 2 is good.
250. Where do you want to live? Ireland, but im content right here for now.
251. This thing is over...what are you? tired from filling out all these pointless questions. DONE!
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