So it's been a while since I've updated about
chenzel_love and
sinful_caesar so I figured I should do that.
So. I decided that I'd take my fic off the comm.
Problem #1: You can't edit a post if you're not a member of a community.
Problem #2: She banned me from joining.
So I kinda went, "Oh lovely" and trucked off to her journal to leave a comment on a post and nice and politely be like, "Um, look..."
Actually, I'll C&P the comment!
I really hate to post this on your own journal, because it has nothing to do with it, but I'd appreciate it if you could either unban me from
chenzel_love for 5 minutes so I can go remove my fic, or you delete it for me. If you delete it for me, these are the posts I would like removed: I realize that some were posted by
fresh_tart but as I am the co-author, I would like them removed as well.
See? Polite. Anyway, yeah, all she did was delete the comment. I'd like to know how, exactly, her logic works on that, because I have the right to remove my stuff from anywhere.
Okay, then, I'll just post on
bohemea's LJ and ask the same thing. No such luck. I guess if you're not friended, you can't comment.
So I went to the LJ abuse team.
And we shall see how it goes from there...