
Jan 28, 2012 19:55

Oh, deep procrastination.
I really need to finish my state income taxes and file for a deferrment for my student loans, yet.... here I am, fucking around.
But, whatever. It's been a busy ass week and I suppose the weekends are for being lazy, watching movies, grilling out, watching Bayou Billionares and being embarassed by your dettached kin. Louisiana, you make America so proud.
in a way...
Though I'm getting all mature and invested in the future and shit.. I still realize the importance of not having a stick up your butt. It seems a little more difficult than it used to be when you get strict on your diet. Then when you explain yourself people think you're a dick hole.
Whatever, maaaan, I don't want to eat bad meat. I know it's more expensive... but, man oh man. It tastes like a 1000 times better. And organic milk!!!!!!!! Fucking heaven. I loveeeee the taste. I can't even go back to old milk.
I'm mad at America. I'm mad at the people in office. I think it's a fucked up way to live. I think it's terrible to run experiments on the populace. And after our cancer rates shot up to the most cancer percentages in the world, we just deny it, because we allowed our food industries to become monopolized, and now they've got their tenderils all up in the government, which is making terrible decisions for the WORLD.
But, yeah, let's go out and have a tea party.
(Organic tea!)

I got a new lawyer for my lawsuit. I'm very excited. It's on contigency which is great, because I don't have any money. Hah. I made $8800 last year. I worked all year. It's amazing how much less I get paid for physically demanding jobs, and that I made nearly twice as much at my office gig.
Anyway, new lawyer. That's great. I keep hearing about people dying in para-sailing accidents and going through I went through, it's just mortifying the practices that are upheld.
I'm also seeing a new chiropractor for my back issues. It's amazing how big of a difference I can FEEL in my spine now. Not only in my spine, but also with my fingers running over my spine.
I'm also doing the stretches I learned in physical therapy to help re-teach my muscles the proper alignment.
Working hard. I want to be better, for the rest of my life. I think it's possible! I just can't lax up and get depressed again and feel that all is for nought.

Also- I have the chance to return to Chicago and get a JOB right off the bat! at an awesome company that just got a write up in the Chicago Tribune.
The only thing is I have to be there in March. I feel bad leaving my mom. All the major things are finished, besides the augmentation. She wants to go back to work, I feel like she should stay on disability, but I suppose to retire in 5 years she needs to work. And making $9k a year, I don't think I'm going to be able to support or help suport her ever. Especially because I'm a farmer and feeling that as a calling. Fuck the ducets, I'm in it for the future of human existence.
So, I gotta make a decision. Move or stay around.
I really hate this town.
But I can deal. I've dealt for 6 months.
Well, we'll find out, sooner or later.
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