Jan 16, 2012 18:02
Woahhh boy.
I want to be friends with all my exes. Or at least, on amicable terms.
Since I really use this thing as a personal diary displayed for any public eye to see, it's interesting that I only talk about the things that embarass me too much to say to anybody. Ridiculous.
Right now, my favorite band is LCD Soundsystem.
I just found out they broke up....
I just got into them! Like 2 months ago!
Not every song is my favorite thing to listen to.
1. I Can Change
2. Dance Yourself Clean
3. One Touch
4. Get Innocuous
5. You Wanted a Hit
are my top five. I like that 45 33 song in its entirity, All I want and Home.
The rest are OK.
Junior Boys is pretty amazing. Especially their latest album, "It's All True"
I like them in the oreder of the CD. Minus Playtime, which I have no recollection of hearing.
I did have to look this stuff up. I'm not the type to remember album names, and a lot of the time I easily forget the song titles. But I know they're good enough to be respected and represented truthfully, so I put in the effort of exploring to find the correct information.
I've have this journal for almost a decade. It's sad to think if I die people will read this and have this to know me by, and little else. But it'll be all whiney and love lusting and not at all inspiring or revelations for my ideas.
Oh, that's an idea.
I have this great idea but I don't know how to go about patenting it. Because I can't construct what I envision. Not only is it financial issue, but I've never tinkered with electrical mechanics.
It's a great iea though. I've told Mom. I told TJ. I haven't told many people, but I've told one too many.
Monroe sucks. I don't have any friends. There's nothing interesting to do.
But I did go to see a chiropractor about my back today. He wants me back in tomorrow.
We'll see.