
Jun 02, 2008 06:43

808 West Thirty-Sixth Street
Originally uploaded by amnesoidIn 1952 and maybe 1951 too, my grandfather was in the Navy and he and my grandmother lived at 808 West 36th Street. Here is a picture i took of 808 West 36th Street. I will send it along to my grandmother and she can let me know if this house matches what she remembers.

I would guess that the ADT system and the chainlink fence are new features.

My grandparent's old neighborhood is many blocks north of the Ghent area, which is apparently the only portion of Hampton Roads which could qualify as being somewhat hip. Somewhat walkable.

It was mutually decided that some random girl and i should meet for a coffee-ish beverage in Ghent during the afternoon of this past weekend. All evidence of sentience on her part seemed to disappear upon our meeting. I talked to her about how my grandparents used to live close by, and other things more about me, but it was like talking to a stuffed animal, who did make carefully planned movements. Like a Teddy Ruxpin, i guess. I took it to mean that she was not at all impressed with what she had ended up finding herself with. Not one bit. Suits me. Any further emotional investment would seem like such a bother.

I'm not sure why i trouble myself with meeting strange people. Especially ones who lose all of their sentiences. I guess it is the undefeatable romantic inside me, parasiting itself upon some innard or other. Oh, bother.

Tomorrow i am packing my stagecoach and taking it back to Richmond. Next week i am taking it back to Western New York, and then it will all be disassembled for awhile.
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