The first...

Oct 08, 2004 19:11

I had a blog before everyone else even knew what that meant. It was held on Blurty, which I still feel is better than live journal, but I loved it. People read it constantly, and I updated every day. I don't exactly hope to elevate myself to such a status on this one, but whatever. I was a little bit pressured to make one of these. I don't know who actually cares to read about me, especially when you're all writing about yourselves. It was much more fun when no one else did this. Not that I have to be the only one doing everything, that's not it. But it was different back then. I feel a little bit weirdly nostalgic referring back to it. I really took pride in it. It was almost like a book. I do write my own diary, at home, in a book. Of course, it's much more personal...I mention absolutely everything and use real names...This has kind of freaked people out in the past. They think it's unfair that I write about them and they shouldn't get to read about it, and they think its only fair that they not be written about. I hate that. I mean, I'm sure you think about me once in a while, that does not render me privy to the thoughts that I appear in. If people think it's "different" then...well, then that's weird. A journal is just someone writing down her thoughts so she doesn't's the same as just thinking those thoughts.

I have this long weekend ahead of me, I guess I'll post in this journal or whatever. I'm really not a fan of these now that they've become so mainstream. Maybe I shouldn't write this. I'm not a good writer anymore, not like I was. I used to write really good blog...I had a technique, I guess. I lost it. Sometimes, I lose things in that sense...talents, abilities, grasps on academic subjects (that was a joke, a true joke).

I am going to see Ethan tomorrow, and meet his friends, but I was supposed to have my hair cut on Thursday but the woman was weird and it didn't work out. So now I have to wash my hair here and let it dry weirdly and not look my best. We don't even have good food here, and I can't go out to a deli to get it. You can't do anything here after ten. I wish I were in New York...I can just do anything. I will be there Monday night though, and I want to go out Monday night. I know exactly who I want to go out and see, but he'd never let me in a million years.

Hope everyone has incredible Columbus Day weekends,
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