Jan 12, 2005 18:09
My internet connection has been dead today, so I thought I'd do some hard-core multi-tasking and get some surfing done before help session. Not much to update on, except for the fact that I need to pick up some more videogames. This weekend, my cousin came over for my sister's birthday, so we had several Halo 2 slayer matches. We got into a couple of sniper duels, at which point I invented "the Ammo Dance." Every other sentance started with "In Soviet Russia..." ex: "In Soviet Russia, you don't ride Banshee, Banshee ride YOU!" Bwahaha, good times, good times.
Anyways, I really want to have a Valentine's Day videogame night. Show your love for your consoles people! This was mostly inspired by my pink and red Elite in multiplayer. We kept calling him a gay frenchmen, so I ended up putting on a French accent on top of my Russian one. DUDE, the MSC guys have no skillz when it comes to the Xbox, it's not that difficult to master people! That's right, I'm calling you out! I'm getting deprived of multiplayer matches. I think I'm just going to breakdown and ask the home school boys if they'd mind getting schooled by a girl. Meh, I'd end up losing anyways, but MAN! Do I miss talking smack. I don't mean anything insulting, half the time I end up saying "Hey look! It's my carcass!" But it's ten times more fun to talk during the game!
So...the only thing keeping me from another videogame night it that every time, without fail there's some freak snowstorm or everyone's car explodes or SOMETHING crazy like that. Besides, no one knows how to play Halo 2, which is the most awesome and easy to master shooter ever. It's so much fun, even on two player. I know it's weird, but what really sucks more than losing every match is WINNING every match. It gets to the point where I feel sorry for the other guy, and it just isn't fun. I want to play a game where I get at least half or more of the kills he makes, and we end up talking and laughing through the whole game anyways. I don't like awkwardly silent matches, it just isn't as much fun.
"I saw you in the curve of the moon
In the shadow cast across my room
You heard me in my tune
When I just heard confusion"
- U2, All Because of You