Nov 16, 2008 05:10
Oh I've had two really weird American Idol dreams the last two nights that I've meant to share. The first one was just some short wtf?! dream where Jeff Archuleta dressed up him and Archie as God and Jesus for halloween. It was really strange because 1. halloween is long over and 2. in my dream they were at a party where no one else seemed to be dressed up. The really funny thing is though that later in the day I went on ONTD and there was an Archie post and I totally wanted to comment about that like it was real because it totally seemed like it was. Good times.
The dream I had Friday night (which I'm pretty sure was caused by some epic drunkeness) involved me going to the AI7 tour and getting meet and greet passes. But the funny thing was, the meet and greet passes just meant that when they came out to the busses we got to talk to them for a minute before they signed for everyone else. Weird I know. But only Michael Johns and Brooke and Carly came out and Carly was totally overwhelmed with tons of people trying to get her autograph so I didn't approach her. And I got Brooke's (the only contestant this season whose autograph I don't have in real life) but she was being a giant bitch to everyone. It was so strange. And then Michael Johns almost left before I could talk to him and I suddenly whipped out a piece of paper for him to sign which happened to be a copy of my SAT scores (I know wtf?!) and he was like "what's this?" So I told him and it totally made his day and he told me I was his favorite fan he met that day. I got a pic with him and chatted him up for a really long time and it was hilarious.
I think this means I need to not drink and go on lj lol cause I'll end up with these weird AI dreams.
david archuleta is so freaking adorable,
drunk times,
for the lolz,
ai7 owns my soul,
billie jean is gonna fucking satisfy you,
michael goddamn australian johns