So I voted today and it was my first presidential election. YAY! But I'll tell you a little about why I voted under a cut for those who do not want to read about it.
I think it is important, considering the state of the country and world, to vote for someone who has experience dealing the federal government and foreign policy firsthand. Though Obama has many good ideas, I just don't feel like he is quite ready to lead at this point. In four more years, maybe, but I think 4 years in the senate is not enough preparation to lead a country in this complex of a time.
Let me just say that I am not a social conservative and that I do not agree with Sarah Palin and think she was a terrible choice of running mate, although I do understand why McCain picked her because picking someone else may have very well alienated the Republican base.
There are good and bad points about each candidate and they all have policies that I agree and disagree with. But I have researched both candidates extensively and I believe the McCain is the most ready to lead at this point. I know this all sounds very generalized, and it is, but I just don't have it in me to write a long explanation about why. If you really want to know, feel free to ask and I'll respond to you honestly and in more depth than this but I'm just sick of talking about the election at this point. I've been extensively talking about it for months in many of my classes and with many of my friends, and frankly I'll be glad when this election is over no matter what the outcome is.
And one last thing, I am very sad that I cannot vote in California (I just go to school here but I vote in Washington) because I feel very strongly that everyone should vote no on prop 8. I just can't believe in a state as progressive as California that the vote would be so close. Let's all hope that it doesn't pass because the government should not be able to regulate who you love.