Two weeks already...

Apr 18, 2005 22:19

Had an ECE110 exam tonght. Thought it went well for studying for like 30 minutes. Midterm in physics two weeks ago went well, 90%. Did another history paper without fully reading the book last Wednesday. Didn't really get caught up on history... I need to do that sometime before the final. Speaking of finals, my last final is Wed. May 11th, but my dad won't be able to pick me up until Friday May 13th.

Registered for fall classes: ECE 210 Analog Signal Processing (uses lots of differential equation stuff, sounds like it could suck, but it's required), ECE 290 Computer Engineering I, CS 173 Discreet Structures, CS 225 Data Structure and Software Principles (both CS classes are required for a CS minor), and Philosophy 101 Introduction to Philosophy. My schedule isn't too bad, I start at 9AM on MW (it's the only time the class is offered :( ), and 10AM the rest of the week. I have an hour or 45 min for lunch every day, and go until 4 on Mondays and done at least an hour before that the rest of the week.

Two Sundays ago was the Jimmy Eat World and Taking Back Sunday concert. I crowd surfed for the first time. There was some moshing which was annoying. One time I got knocked over and someone poked a hole through my t-shirt and broke the skin on my shoulder. I don't think I've ever felt so sweaty. Overall, it was a great concert. Friday I saw The Snake the Cross the Crown, Owen and Decibully at the Union. Another awesome show. Decibully is from Milwaukee (hadn't heard of them), and it was funny to see 7 guys with a bunch of equipment crammed onto a smaller stage. I can't wait for the Trail of Dead concert Thursday even though I have an exam on Friday.

So close to the end now...
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