Aug 19, 2009 11:54
Ben and I are learning about the world via youtube! We watched a chick hatch, a giraffe being born and an oranutan being born. Then we switched gears and learned about volcanos (he got to see hawaiian ones with lava as well as mt. saint helens) and lightning and tornadoes and a forest fire. Oh, and the northern lights! Such amazingness there is to be found on the internet!
He asked me the tough questions about the northern lights "how? why?" and i had to admit I didn't know! So first I learned about it and then I explained it to him as best I could.
You know how when we cook water the steam goes into the air? Well that's a gas. But there are other kinds of gases too, not just water. When the sun shines down on our earth, it lights up these other kinds of gases and they look pretty!