Birthdays 101

Jun 17, 2008 23:24

Those of you who were around last year probably remember that we went to see my great-grandmother in California for her 100th birthday. We took a five-generation photo and I wrote about the whole thing for the paper, which was where I worked at the time. The whole thing was really fun (well, the grandma part was, anyway) and left us with beautiful memories. And (I hate to say) a sense of closure and completion.

Well, here it is, another year later. She is celebrating her 101st birthday in August and wants us all to come back. Not just my grandmother and my mom. Me and Stephen and Benjamin too. Especially Ben. Heck, especially Stephen! He gave her a gentle massage for her birthday last year and she said she slept through the whole night for the first time in more than 30 years! Isn't that amazing?!?!?!

She's such a kind, fun, beautiful woman and I'm so glad that she has found peace in her later years. I can only hope I'm as vibrant and happy when I am a great-great grandmother.

Just in case we were worried that my mom hasn't been generous enough to us in the last six months, she has offered to buy our plane tickets and rental car for us to go to see Grandma for her birthday. Stephen will have to miss one day of work (he's asking his boss tomorrow) so that alone will cost us about $200 ... plus, I'm sure we'll have to pay for several of our meals out, but still, it's worth it to be able to bring Grandma so much joy. :-)

stephen, grandma, mom, benjamin, birthday

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