Jan 03, 2009 18:16
I've had people ask me where I stand with faith and what my beliefs are. I've struggled with trying to flesh it all out, and I've decided it's very simple:
I believe in God. Man made religions however, have become dangerous.
You see, you get these people and these churches preaching that God loves us all. But then they'll say "Except gays. They burn." People and different cultures of the world have taken religion and twisted it around to fit their conveniences. All so they can dictate and control people. Who are we to say who will burn and who won't?
Churches preach that they know God's word, and they know what God would do and say and want. Well, the problem lies in the fact that God is the one and only entity that knows what He wants out of the cosmos. Yet people will turn around and say gays will burn. Muslims are denied the afterlife. Cultures always seem to know exactly who will make it into the afterlife and who won't.
I think the concept of anyone burning for who they are and what they believe in is absolutely rediculous. Don't come at me with "Well the Bible says all this stuff." Yeah? Does anyone even know for sure that the Bible is even God's word? We don't. We have no idea. It could have been written by people that simply wanted to control others back then. Yet people use this book to give themselves power they shouldn't be giving themselves.
Do we even know for sure that there's an afterlife? I don't know if I believe in Heaven or Hell, but I like to believe there's something out there. I don't neccessarily believe that our souls float up to a palace in the sky and become conscious of another world after death. I want to believe that they go somewhere to become pure again, I just don't know if there's a Heaven or Hell. Nobody knows.
Athiests are just as bad. They'll say things like "Keep your religion to yourselves. Don't force it down our throats." Yet some of these people will turn around and say "We demand that God be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance and we demand all US currency get rid of God. Keep him out of Christmas too, from now on it should be called the Holidays."
So much for not shoving pure undiluted filth down peoples' throats, right? You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you don't want Christians preaching to you, don't try to preach your beliefs to them and change up life to fit your beliefs. Athiests are nothing more than the sheep they claim to hate. Most of them probably couldn't deal with that statement.
But it goes deeper. You also have what I like to call Poser Athiests. They'll say there is no God just to fit in with the popular crowds. I feel sorry for these people, because they too are conforming and following the popular belief without even realizing it half of the time. The verdict? Sheep.
Man made religions are dangerous. Athieism is dangerous. You know why? Because the hardcore religions will say "There's a Heaven and a Hell and God is watching all of us and judging us based on our actions." Athiests will say "There is no God. Christians are stupid for even believing there's a God."
How do any of these people know for sure? How do they know there is an afterlife? How do they know their isn't? Only God knows. These people that think they know are dangerous and caution needs to be taken around them. Anyone that says they know what is in store for us when we die are the ones you need to watch out for.
Personally, I do belive in God. But that's where it ends. I don't believe that God judges us for the little things. He doesn't care if we drink or cuss. If you go around murdering people, then you're in trouble. But to think that God really cares about the petty things in life is completely rediculous. It's just a way for people to control others. Live and let live. It's unfortunately a concept that this world will never grasp properly.
I believe that people need to live thier lives to the fullest while still being good people and treating others as such. Religions need to stop trying to control people and judge others. Athiests need to stop trying to control people and they need to stop trying to force people not to believe in anything.
For me the belief in God is really the belief in unconditonal love. The concept of judgement was created by people. Why would God judge if He loves everyone? Why would he care whether or not you go sit in a church and give money and obey the laws of judgement created by people? Why do Athiests even care if people believe in God? If they don't believe, fine. Why do people care so much what others believe in?
You can believe if you want. You don't have to believe if you don't want to. To persecute others for not sharing your beliefs however, is what is bringing this world down. People talk about the end of the world. An asteroid. A nuclear war. The second one is much more likely. It won't be God that wipes us out. It will be us. People will destroy each other and destroy the world.
I believe in God. I believe He or something put us here. That's where it ends. I don't believe any of us should have the power to declare what is and what isn't. That is why and form of mass man made beliefs and religions are dangerous.
Live and let live.