
Mar 13, 2008 01:00


Well, well, well, well, well.

I am well. I have a great life.

I'm glad I can finally say that and truly mean it from the heart.

Today, nature gave us a glimpse of Spring, although it's not official for another 7 days. My life is in its Spring as of now. This was my realization today.

I have the risidual leftovers, like the basking patches of snow waiting to melt into the muddy freshness of Spring. My emotions, my womanhood, my realization of self and my future is now starting to truly show its beauty to me.

I started talking about this concept with Patrick and I really didn't think I was able to fully explore it there and then. So here it is, revisited.

My life is in its Spring. I left my sadness, greif, wrongdoings and misfortune in my past. That is my Winter. My Winter comes and goes. I went though one in my Freshmen year of highschool and then had a Sping and a Summer of my life then, and it was wonderful.

And then life changed, as it often does. And, not surprisingly, I was pushed right back into a Winter. A time of confusion, anger, depression, speckled with happiness and cheer from time to time. It wasn't until the great Ground Hog Day of my life that I was able to see the end of Winter. The day I saw Winter ending was my break-up with Kyle. And it was great to see my sadness finally ending, the last of the emotional confusion and weight to be cut away from me in one swift action.

I'm rambling.

What I'm trying to say is that I have found my happiness again, although every now and then I feel down and I have to fix myself. My biggest focus right now is making sure that when I DO get angry or sad or hurt or upset I don't try to control or hurt anyone in the process of getting over whatever upset me.

And I have been doing very well so far. I haven't been controlling or insecure, crazy or needy, and certainly not yelling or anything of that nature. I've been happy.

Anyway. I love me. And I love Patrick.

I think I finally understand why they say that you can't fully love someone until you first love yourself.

It's beautiful.
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