Jan 12, 2008 16:31
I can'ttake this emotional abuse anymore. The manipulating. The blaming. I have come to a point in my life where I want to be a better person. I want to change, and I don't think you do. I really have (had?) faith in you. But you dont want to seem to control your anger and your jealousy. I tell myself "Is this worth it? Is he worth it?" I have come to a point where I am answering "No" to that question. I told myself that throwing in the towl so soon is basicaly bailing out. I feel like you've already bailed out. You're not trying. The things you do are unforgivable and unacceptable. It's emotional and mental abuse. I wonder "when is he ever going to get better? It takes time. It's not going to happen overnight."
But now I realize the things you do, the way you act.. I can't endure that until you decide to stop.
I hope this helps you stop.
Because I'm not going to be abused like this anymore. It's NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY to help you with your jealousy. It's just not. YOU need to make the decision to deal with your inner child, your emotional baggage, your problems. I'm finding a way to dealwith mine.
You however, continue to blame your emotional shit on me. I can't do that.
Kyle, the fact is that I don't feel like a good person when I'm around you. I don't feel like being with you is a good thing. Idon't feel like I am like you, like we are of the same fabric.
Your bhavior is so intolerable, that I am not willing to be with someone that acts that way towards me.
I was more myself while you were away then I am now, in these past coupl of days. Maybe it's the past that brings us down, maybe the relationshop is too torn to fix it.
But I am not focusing on the past or the very past. I am talking about the last couple of days you've been home.
You have not been loving, you have not acted in a loving manner. You haven't even tried to control yourself. You've been out of control. I cannot keep takingthe blame for your emotions.
I am growing, I have made te decision to become a better person. In my eyes, you hve done the opposite. You are staying the way you are, but finding different ways to continue to blame me for your issues.
This needs to stop. My heart feels so heavy with sadness. I know my heart is telling me to leave you.
I think my values are changing. Instead of sacrificing mysef and my life for a soul mate, I think I am discovering that I would rather be happy, and if there is a soul that wants to be happy with me, then that is what I want. But I am no longer going to hurt myself to be with you. I'm just not.
And this time I might listen.