the eye 2

Oct 31, 2004 07:45

i`ve just finished watching the eye 2 on tv..
its a sequel to the other blockbuster movie entitled the eye starring that girl from malaysia.

the eye 2 revolves the ex3-star porn actress shuqi.
she is some married guys mistress who gets pregnant.somehow,whilst carrying the baby,she gets these ghostly visions.she then gets into an elevator with another pregnant woman and that pregnant woman gives birth.whilst in labour,she sees a ghost try to drive herself up the pregnant womans pussy...that did it!!

after that much of shallow,senseless shit,i came up with a theory which goes like this:
any organism,be it human or household pet or animal in the wild that watches tv who watches the eye 2 and in one way or another find it any bit intresting is a moron,will lower it`s iq by half,will die 30 years younger or if already too old will just die for no reason whatsoever,and will give birth to 20 consecutive generations of dumbshit morons.if organism is too old to give birth,blood will be tainted by direct generation below it.if no direct generation below exist,all of it`s siblings direct generation will give birth to the tainted bloodline(the ripple effect).

the theory has not yet been proven and never will be because i believe my head was contaminated after watching that damned thing and so the theory that has just pop up in my head will be ruled as rubbish.
but i still believe in what i just stated a paragraph above ago so if you like watching the eye 2,you are a moron and everyone hates you.
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