quick update

Jul 31, 2012 02:39

Okay, attempt to post this the second - except, of course, that apparently LJ doesn't want me to post this video behind a cut. I apologize, I honestly tried.

I'm finally making some headway on my Mass Effect 3 play through - I'll probably replay it again later, given all the DLC my brother has decided to get for it, including some little comic add-on thing that allows you to make decisions from the first game, which hasn't been brought across to PS3 alas - and I've been hearing the grumblings about unsatisfactory endings. Bioware has released an extended cut of their endings, I believe, which I'll probably track down at some point soon-ish just because I'm a curious kid like that.

Here, though, is an interesting theory I'd like to see explored possibly:

image Click to view

Also, here's an article about Me 4 possibilities.

In other news, I turn twenty four on Thursday. I am both excited - because, birthdays, what are not to like? - and feel old. And then people laugh hysterically when I mention this.

Nice things are on the cards for this week, including Brave. I am excite.

what: gaming, fandom: mass effect [series], quick update

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