App for vatheon

Dec 15, 2011 00:25

[ Player name ] : Mozart
[ Personal LJ ] : mozarteffect
[ Age ] : 22
[ Timezone ] : PST
[ Other Characters ] : witchbuster | Soul Eater
rentareaper | Yu Yu Hakusho

[ Character's Name ] : Jade Harley
[ Character's Age ] : 13
[ Series ] : Homestuck
[ Canon Point ] : Act six intermission, after she tells John that they'll arrive in about three years

[ History ] :
oh lawd

[ Personality ] :
Jade is a silly girl!!! Fun, energetic, optimistic and bold as all heck. In fact, Jade acts quite a lot younger than most of her other friends, but she gets along with all of them and they are used to her quirks. Early on she seemed to come off as a bit ditzy what with needing reminders tied to her fingers and getting excited over anthropomorphic fauna and her squiddles toys. But then she went over to the machine she was working on and revealed that-whoops-nuclear physics is in one of her many INTERESTS.

All right, so Jade isn't as simple as one would expect.

She has a bossy temperamental side too when things don't go her way or people are being useless, like when she (after a move she would beat herself up for a loooong time) smacked the hell out of Jadesprite when she was proving to be weepy and useless. And in general her impatient demeanor towards the trolls (though she does have a philosophy of being nice to people if they're nice to her first) even when they're threatening her (though that's mostly Karkat). WHAT'S THE PASSWORD, FUCKASS? (Oh yes, she swears too when the moment is right.)

Living alone for most of her life (with only her dog Bec for guardianship) after the death of her grandfather (a horrible tragic accident that Jade found was caused by a troll years later...which was awkward...especially when that troll confessed to like-liking her. She let him down gently, though! And they became friends!) has left Jade with a strong sense of independence and living only by her wits and skills. Punctuated by this is the strange, almost prophetic dreams she's had to piece together into a coherent chain for her entire life (and the fits of narcolepsy and gaps in her memory, but this isn't actually something that was in her control even if she did adapt to it using colored strings tied to her fingers).

Jade doesn't easily give up on something! Where there's a will, there's a way, as long as there is something worth fighting for she'll fight to the bitter end (spoilers: everything is worth fighting for to her as long as it involves her friends)! She takes on a lot of responsibility even through the session to help the cause and becoming a fully realized Witch of Space leaves her with wisdom and woof the power of spaaaaace. But she is still using her powers for good and keeping her promises!!!

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
+A skilled markswoman. No really.
+Actually, a jack of all trades; she can play the bass, embalm and stuff a body, dabble in nuclear physics, breed frogs and whap a psychotic mass murderer that happened to be prototyped with bits of her dog with a newspaper.

-A little too optimistic
-As an extension of this, she sort of...well, lets things sneak up on her. Kind of like when she didn't find anything odd about CD parachuting down a bunch of shaving cream so he could explode it and kill her.
-Not...terribly...merciful when someone has angered her
-She is a 13 year old girl

[ Other Important Facts ] :
She is the best at space!

[ Sample ] :
SPLASH! Jade pushed herself up from the ground almost immediately after she was abruptly thrown out of what felt like a swimming pool. "Ughhh-what was that?" she groaned, pulling down her hood and wringing it out. The only conclusion she could come to was that John enacted some prank with his Windy Thing while she was concentrating on maintaining the speed of the ship, but it didn't explain where the water came from. John wasn't the Heir of Breath and Spit, after all. Looking around to take in her surroundings disproved her theory that it was an Egbert prank as well, it was a pretty place for certain, but definitely not where Jade was supposed to be.

"John! John!" she called, shaking her head to fling off the water in her hair compulsively. "Woof are you??" Her urgency died in her throat when she realized that she had slipped again with the barking and slapped her hands to her mouth, feeling her face burn. "Ohhh, why isn't there a handbook for witchy powers?" Jade muttered, wringing out her skirt as well. "I need to see if there is a way to change clothes or dry yourself off!"

Regardless, the young Witch of Space knew that she had to find her missing friend and, possibly, get into contact with anybody that was familiar to her. As if it was reading her mind, a small star-shaped device fell out of her skirt after giving it one last shake. "What's this?" she said with a blink, picking it up and turning it over in her hands. It looked to be some sort of electronic device similar to a miniature computer. Well, it IS best to carry at least five computers on you, maybe this can help me find my friends, Jade decided while nodding emphatically. She pushed at the buttons to get it started and send out a text message to the foreign network at large.

Also this as an addition.

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : KIDS AND FUN

☒ Jade Harley, @vatheon

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