App for towerofanimus

Dec 04, 2011 21:51

Player Information

Name: Mozart
Personal LJ: mozarteffect
Age: 22
Contact Info: inzivil on AIM
Other Characters Played: N/A

Character Information

Character Name: Maka Albarn
Character Series: Soul Eater
Character Age: 15
Character Gender: Female
Original Canon Soul Eater
Canon Point: Chapter 90
Background Link: Heeeere
Personality: Maka was described as a serious person that tries hard, this is true to some extent but there's a lot more to Maka than being a serious overachiever although it is a big part of the bits of Maka. She does try hard with a lot of aspects in her life due to her want to be the best she can be and create a deathscythe more powerful than the one her mother created. She studies to get the best grades she can (and even finds the learning and testing parts fun) and she fights hard (though sometimes, sometimes rarely she realizes that she has to sit back and think for a moment before charging on ahead, letting your emotions ALWAYS get the better of you is not kosher).

Maka is not completely serious all the time, she's actually quite friendly to most people that don't appear to be out to cause trouble (much to the annoyance of her more cynical partner, Soul) and has a positive, confident attitude most of the time.

Sometimes she can be dorky and give cheesy FRIENDSHIP!!1! pep talks as shonen protagonists often do, too.

As a friend, Maka is as supportive as she can be given her limited view of some things and tendency to lose it with annoying ones like Black*Star and her habit of charging on ahead without really thinking. She--at this point--is aware that she won't always understand or get along with her friends as they are all individuals and understands this, but she still is deeply loyal and supports them. Maka's philosophy in life greatly centers on having courage and not pausing for a moment to consider the cons and let fear overtake you. Though she insists that having courage is nothing special because all people are capable of having courage grow from their fear.

However, there are less than desirable aspects to Maka as well. Actually, some things about her personality can get downright ugly when her emotions run high (and, subsequently, greatly upsets and throws her off making a bigger chance for boneheaded stunts to happen, much to the chagrin of Soul) or when something aggravates the various issues/complexes she has.

Though Maka is quite confident in her abilities and works hard to keep herself strong so she can protect her friends, she tends to become obsessive with perfecting things, making sure her friends are safe and getting the job done even through risking her own life (tackling an immortal werewolf off of London Bridge? Obviously a great idea). Sometimes she even loses her temper and becomes violent. Really violent. Though this anger is most often expressed through the use of a "Maka Chop" which is a smack on the head with the spine of a book she's carrying (which she is carrying constantly, Maka is a regular old bookworm that seems to know more about reading than...other hobbies. Besides word games). Although this violent rage is most often expressed towards her Weapon partner Soul when he bothers her, she's actually more prone to rolling her eyes or scoffing at things when irritated.

OH AND BY THE WAY, she has an inferiority complex, trust issues and is a misandrist. If you don't know that she's insecure, YOU WILL BE QUICKLY REMINDED. To avoid going into Maka's background territory, let's just say it's her dad's fault and move on. Surprisingly, the misandry doesn't come up as often as one would expect it to, even less so with the point she's from. On the downside, the insecurities from her inferiority complex do come up and they hit her hard.

Also she is a gigantic workaholic. Though this shows through positively with her grades...she takes studying far. Really far. Studying three months in advance for an exam, what.
Abilities: ♦Soul Perception! She can see souls and get a read on personalities and basic intent
♦Anti-demon wavelength! What this means hasn't been expanded upon yet, but she has been said to be able to repel madness with it (so she can't go insane again)
♦Aside from this, Maka's abilities are largely her own physical abilities (which isn't much besides speed and flexibility) and her wits.
♦However, when combined with her Weapon partner Soul, Maka is able to achieve a resonance that does a gamut of special things. Whether it's mowing down monsters with sheer brute force (he is a scythe after all) or flying with the unique Grigori Soul type Maka has.
Sample Entry: Have I made a good impression on you yet? No?

How 'bout now.

Okay, have some father/daughter wub.
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