W00t! Had my first bar exam anxiety dream last night! In it, I don't recall lots of details, but it was the day of the bar and I was starting to study. STARTING to study. ACK!
I should really be studying more than I am. It's friggin' hard working full time and studying. Ugh. I need a little (read: less than $1,000) MA-specific bar review. Any suggestions from my legal-type friends?
Job is good and giving me lots of responsibility and is looking like it will go permanent, but is also busy. Busy, busy, busy. Don't they know I have fanfic to read and Red Sox news to follow and lots of LJ to catch up on? WTF?
The Sick That Wouldn't Die is totally finally dying. Don't listen to
em_meredith -- I'm absolutely almost 95% healthy! And it's been less than 3 weeks. And I might still go to a doctor tomorrow morning. We'll see.
In other news: Wow, the hypocrisy is stunning:
AP) -- The House moved Friday in only its second day under Democratic reign toward changing budget rules that allowed deficits to swell with lawmakers' pet projects and President Bush's tax cuts.
The changes could bedevil efforts to appease middle-class voters later.
Another rule change planned over Republican objections promised to curb past abuses in which GOP leaders held votes open for hours and excluded minority party lawmakers from House-Senate negotiations on the language of final bills sent to the White House for enactment.
Former GOP Rules Committee Chairman David Dreier of California complained that the new rules could easily be sidestepped -- and that more extensive reforms once demanded by Democrats had been left out.
Most Republicans also were expected to vote against a Democratic proposal to require lawmakers to disclose publicly their want for pet projects -- referred to as earmarks in legislative terms -- for their districts or states, such as Alaska's bridge to nowhere in the last Congress.
Yes, that's right -- GOP Rules guy in charge of all the abused and ignored and changed rules now complaining that the Dems aren't doing enough to fix the rules. Just wow.