(no subject)

Dec 12, 2005 06:10

Dear Flist,

I got to skip=150, and I'm just going to admit defeat -- I'm not going to read the weeks of entries I missed. Because of how I suck. Sorry 'bout that. ::g:: If I missed major stuff in your lives, I apologize, and please know that I am really [happy/relieved/disappointed/grieving] right along with you.

Sucktastically yours,

Dear Front Office/Go4/Ghost!Theo/Whomever,

Love the trades so far -- Beckett, Loretta, Marte, Lowell, Mota for Hanley, Anibal, Edgah, and The Stud Who Hits Bombs? Very impressive work so far. You may have noticed, however, that we are a smidge lacking up the middle just now, what with our not having a short stop or centerfielder. We do have seven starters, though, so we've got that going for us I guess.

However, I feel I need to reiterate: Do Not Trade Manny.

Yes, the Tejada deal is the closest thing to fair value you could get for Manny, but Tejada is not an RBI machine. Our presumptive starting second and third basemen are, delicately put, offensive question marks going into this season, and as much as I love Trot, he hasn't been the same hitter as 2003 in quite some time what with all the injuries. Put another way: we need to score runs.

Plus God knows I don't want Matt Clement or Bronson Arroyo facing Manny in a critical situ--hell, ever. We already can't beat the Orioles for reasons passing understanding, so please keep your eye on the big gaping holes in our lineup and not a blockbuster intra-divisional trade. If Manny wants out so bad, let his agent do the groundwork.

Impatiently yours,

Dear Kevin Millar,

You left here with class, my friend. I will miss your motormouth and your ever-changing hair, but I will miss your optimism most of all. You convinced Boston to Cowboy Up, you convinced most of your teammates to shave their heads in solidarity (though let's ignore the Curt Schilling Bleach Experiment of 2005), and you had the audacity to go up to Dan Shaughnessy after the 19-8 pounding and say, "Don't let us win tonight..."

Still gives me the chills. I put game four on while I outlined for finals because, no matter how dire it looked and no matter how much I tried to protect myself from the inevitable heartbreak, there was the smallest chance that we'd win -- and you walked right up to everyone on the field and said, Don't let us win tonight... This is how we like it: Down and out and then POW, Sox Nation!

No Sox fan will forget you leading off the ninth with a walk. The Walk that lead to The Steal and The Single and The Tying Run and, ultimately, The Comeback. In game five you followed Papi's solo shot in the eighth with a walk that became the tying run; in game six, you doubled with two outs to spark the rally that scored all four of our runs. We literally couldn't have won it all without you.

I wish you well, and would LOVE to see you back in a couple years as a coach.

Gratefully yours,

Dear Billy Mueller,

You, my friend, are a Yankee Kueller. I'm more than a little sad that I have to retire my "Yankee Kueller" icon, but I wish you all the best with the Dodgers (or Pirates, but they have those tacky uniforms, Billy, and -- Pittsburgh?).

You pwned Rivera, and I can't describe the joy your single up the middle in game four brings me. Still. To this day. (I may have rewatched that game a couple of times.) Aside from a super-tight-throat/verge-of-tears moment when Foulkey snagged that grounder, the only time I cried in the entire 2004 postseason was when Roberts scored on your single. I just could not believe what I was seeing, and y'all just never looked back. Without your professional hitting, we're at 87-and-counting.

Also, your dog is adorable. ::g::

Gratefully yours,

Dear Snuffy,

I expected to dislike you for taking Bellhorn's job -- then he signed with the Yankees and I had to hate him just a little bit. Still, your defensive competence and timely hitting would've won me over even without Belly's defection.

Don't worry about that game two error. Wasn't our year.

Forgivingly yours,

Dear Edgah,

I was pretty happy with your deal last offseason, and I was never as down on you as some people, even with all the errors. ::coughem_meredithcough:: I realize you struggled here, and I'm a bit sad to see you go, but I think it's best for everyone.

I'll never forget your grand slam during the 17-1 smackdown at Il Stade Fasciste. Thanks for the graduation rout that allowed me to stick it to Asshole Yankees Fan one last time.

Best of luck in Atlanta,

Dear Hanley and Anibal,

Thanks for providing us geeky statheads with buckets of optimism regarding your future in Boston. Hanley, I watched your first ML at-bat with bated breath (and you were jobbed -- that was ball four). Best of luck down in Florida.

Well-wishingly yours,

Dear Mike Myers,

Um, WTF? The Yankees?? I hope David Ortiz deposits one of your fastballs in the short right porch.


Dear Manny,

If your desire to leave is really, as rumored, because of a mistress of yours in Boston, then suck it the fuck up and play here.

Crankily yours,

Dear Schill and Foulkey,

Please be all better.

Optimistically yours,

Dear Josh, Mike, Mark, and Andy,

Welcome to Boston! Don't suck. ::g::

Cheerfully yours,

Year in Review:

January 2, 2005: Wow. So much to talk about! [proceeds to ramble on about nothing]

February 1, 2005: I'm tired. This whole "normal sleeping pattern" thing is a giant pain in my ass. [Ahhh, the wonders of law school...]

March 1, 2005: Macha:  Hello. Yes, I was wondering if I could get a little information about sports channels.
DirecTV Guy:  Okay. Do you have a particular channel in mind?
Macha:  Is there any way I can just add NESN?

April 1, 2005: Okay, obviously someone over at Numbers is thinking, "My God, we give that Macha chick SCIENCE and MATH and FBI agents in one show and she's still not hooked? How in the hell can we -- Oh, duh! Baseball!" [::snerk:: I'm such a nerd. HOW I didn't find my soulmate while reading a theoretical physics book at Fenway Park, I just will never know.]

May 1, 2005: So on my DRIVE FROM HELL back to NYC today (I left at 1:30 and got here just before 9:00 -- the NJ TPK is EVOL), I talked to my mom and she asked me what I wanted for my graduation gift.

June 3, 2005: zoecole and I wandered Boston yesterday and drank beer and talked baseball. Good times! Also? In bitching about The Suck that is Mitt Romney*, we have agreed that to properly express the level of hatred we have for him (and other asstastic Republicans), we need to add a letter: HAYYYYYYYYYTE.

July 1, 2005: Ugh.
Wow, is the Fourth of July going to be bitter, bitter, bitter this year.
I am beyond devastated by O'Connor stepping down. Beyond.

August 1, 2005: Hey, devildoll -- I'm going to see that hot guy from Touching Evil doing Shakespeare on the [Boston] Common tomorrow! :) He's pretty. Also? I admit I'm amused by the possibility that this particular production might feature more dropped "R"s than your average Shakespeare production. Wicked pissah. Heh.

September 1, 2005: I haven't said much about Katrina because I'm still... I don't know, in shock, maybe? I don't have nearly the ties to N'Awlins as many on my flist, but I do dearly love the city. Which is nothing to the human tragedies happening in Biloxi, in small gulf coast towns in Mississippi and Louisiana, and in the Superdome/Convention Center insanity in New Orleans. The worst part is, at least some of the devastation could have been prevented by funding the requested level for New Orleans flood-control (requested in 2001) and by our National Guard troops not, you know, being in Iraq fighting a war right now.

October 1, 2005: Paid Account Jul 20, 2007
Extra Userpics Sep 30, 2007
Dude. 2007!
Seriously, whoever you are, I heart you muchly!

November 1, 2005: Dude, the Dems are makin' some noise! I think I kinda love it. ;) Could it be that they have... like... backbone or something? Not only did they blindside the Repubs, but they actually won the skirmish, forcing a compromise panel to report on the "progress" of the prewar intelligence probe. ::blink:: I'm a little amazed.

December 2, 2005: So, yeah, I haven't been on LJ since last... um, Tuesday, maybe? Monday? So, yeah, I am woefully behind on all of your lives and feel all out of touch. I hope y'all are doing fabulously. :) [And it all comes full circle. ::g::]

red sox, reasons i suck

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