What Goes Around...

Dec 20, 2011 00:32

WHO Lindsey McDonald and Lilah Morgan.
WHAT Lindsey gets some payback.
WHERE Lilah's apartment.
WHEN 12/19 Late evening.
WARNINGS R, possible violence, sexual violence, sex. Sexy times but it could be triggery, hence the warnings.

It'd been pretty easy to bypass the security codes on the door and let himself in. Lilah hadn't had Buffy beat down her door and so she'd been a little lax. Which had worked in Lindsey's favor. He'd settled in to wait for her to return. The lights were kept dim, just like she'd left it and he positioned himself on the end of the sofa that was facing the door. He had a bottle of whiskey in his right hand that he'd been swigging directly from. He'd brought it himself, not trusting any of hers, after the disastrous other night.

angel: lilah morgan, angel: lindsey mcdonald

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