I suck at log titles

Dec 17, 2011 23:00

Characters: Alex Summers and Jason McConnell; [Closed]
Location: The market
Planet: Coruscant
When: December 17th
What: Christmas event shenanigans, aka, Alex becomes more like Dad every day.
Rating: PG-13? Idk? Man kissing?

Unfortunately for Alex, he has a penchant for ignoring his datapad, and all the network conversation of people having hideous side effects to some of Czerka's Lifeday specials. It's technology he doesn't really get, so he ignores it and also? It's loud and obnoxious, so suffice to say, once he found the mute button, life was much happier for our Young Hero.

Speaking of, said Young Hero, having not yet been able to find the mute button on Pyro yet, had decided he needed some air, along with a good amount of distance from the apartment he'd been stuck in with the new mutants. Thus was how he found himself in Coruscant's market, trudging through the artificial snow as he idly glanced from stall to stall, wondering if Erik and Charles were the kind of people you buy presents for... Or Claire? Or Sean? It'd been a while since he'd had to do this kind of crap, or even had the freedom beyond being stuck in a 10' x 10' cell to be capable of it.

Somewhere along the way of trudging and second-guessing, and a pot containing something green and vaguely plant-like was suddenly shoved in his face, a shop owner rattling off sales pitches in a language Alex couldn't even hope to understand. He gave a couple attempts to wave him off, keep walking, or over-enunciation "NO. THANK. YOU.", but the shopkeep seemed bent on making the sale.

"Okay, okay, whatever. Here." Alex shoved a few credits into the store owner's webbed hands and that seemed enough to satisfy him, seeing as the green plant thing was in his hands and the alien store owner was shuffling off, counting his earnings.

Alex stared at it. For a long moment. What... the fuck was he going to do with a plant? It didn't even look that nice. Maybe Claire would want it? Did it even smell nice? He leaned forward and took a sniff - Oh. No. Definitely not nice. Whatever, he'd just trash it.

Though, he was staring to feel a little... off. Now that he thought about it. Shit, he'd just bought space-weed, hadn't he? Awesome. It's a great day in the neighborhood for Alex Summers, people.

marvel (films): alex summers, bare: jason mcconnell

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