(no subject)

Dec 16, 2011 14:28

Characters: Luke Skywalker and Lion-O
Location: Luke's apartment
Planet: Coruscant!
When: Yesterday, midmorning
What: Demonstrating a droid caller when Lifeday music kicks in.
Rating: G?

The spukamus kits were still babyish, but they were a lot more mobile now than when he'd taken they and their mama in, and they were feisty, pouncing on each other and anything else that caught their attention. Their mama had gone off for now, hopefully not finding other felines to fight.

Waiting, Luke kept half an eye on the kits while adjusting the balance on that dearmed remote he'd fixed up. It wasn't hovering quite how he wanted it to.

thundercats: lion-o, star wars: luke skywalker

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