It's hard to know they're out there // It's hard to know that you still care

Dec 13, 2011 01:32

Characters: Amy Pond
Location: River's apartment
Planet: Corsucant
When: Just after the draft announcement
What: Talking about Rory and Eleven being gone and the draft.
Rating: PG

[It's a day later than she meant to get around to seeing River, but she didn't have the strength to get herself out of bed for a while. She's fixed herself up a bit so she doesn't look like she's been crying for days. She knocks on the door, the news of the draft also hanging over her head. So much had happened since she arrived on the planet. She wasn't sure how she would manage without Rory and her Doctor. They'd been a part of her life for so long.

She takes a deep breath and knocks on River's door.] River? It's me, Amy.

doctor who: river song, ☄doctor who: amy pond

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