Lack of powers includes lack of anger filter.

Dec 03, 2011 17:21

Characters: Clark Kent, OPEN
Location: A secluded part of the city
Planet: Coruscant
When: Saturday Evening
What: Clark's discovering that his abilities are fading without the power of the magoc yellow sun. He is now testing a theory. This will only end badly.
Rating: Meh.

[To say the lack of the yellow sun had Clark a little worried would be the easiest way to explain what he was doing out here. It had happened more than once that while testing his powers, something would go terribly wrong and someone would get hurt. Since he'd started his training with Jor-El, things like that hadn't happened. But now, Jor-El could not be reached, and along with his unwillingness to drag Chloe into this, Clark was flying solo.

But not literally.

The alleyway he'd found was perfect, including plenty heavy objects and other things he could target.

Of course things were going wrong. And of course, Clark was becoming increasingly frustrated.

So frustrated in fact, that he probably used up the last of his remaining strength and launched what appeared to be an abandoned droid halfway across the city with an angry yell.]

☄smallville: clark kent

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