Looking for answers, or at least the right questions.

Nov 16, 2011 14:39

Characters: Leia Organa and YOU (open, especially to Jedi of either order)
Location: Jedi Temple & Gardens
Planet: Coruscant
When: Nowish
What: General philosophizing about the Force, how to use it, how not to use it, and how not to let it use you. Or if you have something else you want to bring up, feel free.
Rating: PG, most likely.

There can be no knowledge without emotion. We may be aware of a truth, yet until we have felt its force, it is not ours. To the cognition of the brain must be added the experience of the soul. )

!open, star wars: leia organa, star wars: luke skywalker

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sand_wormie November 18 2011, 04:21:33 UTC
Luke didn't really like to be here. Even keeping his presence shrunk so it didn't attract Jedi, he felt like a bantha surrounded by krayts

But he figured he should stop by since he'd been in the area, because he knew Leia was there in an unsettled mood. Leia. His... twin.

He'd had a few weeks to turn that idea over and consider it. It was more palatable now than back when she'd told him. There was still a little heartache about it, and knowing didn't change the fact that she really was attractive... still. Even if it changed the way he saw himself, it was kind of nice.

The gardens were okay. Not as showy or memorable as some of the others on Coruscant, but they were well tended, probably meant more as a place to think than as a place to enjoy the plants. Luke had to admit he was getting spoiled; when he'd been fresh off Tatooine, any garden here would have blown him away.

Luke went and leaned on the railing a little ways from her, overlooking a pond that had a couple fat, languid waterbirds sometimes breaking the surface to breathe. "Hi," he said.


nonerfherders November 25 2011, 18:36:28 UTC
Leia felt Luke's approach, and looked up to smile at him. She was sitting on a bench overlooking the pond, though not really paying much attention to her surroundings. Which was a pity, they deserved more attention than she was giving them, if only as a contrast to the endless city that made of Coruscant.

She was so tired of Coruscant. It seemed forever since she'd been home. A problematic thought in and of itself, given that 'home' no longer existed in her own time.

But she managed a smile for Luke. "Hi yourself."


sand_wormie November 25 2011, 18:47:31 UTC
He crossed his arms on the railing and leaned farther, testing to see if it could support more of his weight. It could, but there was an almost imperceptible movement. Luke wondered if the Force would warn him if it was about to give way and dump him into the water, but didn't let up.

Something was wrong with Leia. Or not wrong, but she was...

"You know the smell here?" he asked, not really wanting to go there so quickly. "Or the feel, whichever. This place - this planet, I mean, is so old. So many people for so long living their lives here, so... it's almost dirty. Tired. You know?"


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