Checking on

Nov 14, 2011 00:49

Characters: River and Amy. Semi-closed (can take in Rory and/or Eleven, eventually?)
Location: Amy's apartment
Planet: Coruscant
When: Week 40 (After Rose's video post but before the actual poker game)
What: River's checking in on Amy. Because she is worried.
Rating: Should be pretty much G, at most PG for high emotions.

Rory had told River to go talk with her mother, but that hadn't exactly worked so far.

However, after the Doctor's berating, she wasn't going to delay any longer. Before, she had been looking forward to it; after that whole set of conversations, she was worried. It took some work to find out where Amy was living, but, well. She was River Song, and knowing the planet made the information far from inaccessible.

So she was that she knocked on the door, a bottle of wine with her, just in case. "Amy? It's River. May I come in?"

doctor who: river song, ☄doctor who: amy pond

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