I don't want to be the one the battles always choose

Nov 06, 2011 21:11

Characters: Isolde and Malik
Location: Some sort of training area I'm the best at these things
Planet: Coruscant
When: A few days after Lily's death
What: Isolde promised to help Malik learn how to use the sword again. C:
Rating: PG-13

[Part of her wonders if she should have cancelled this practice session, in hindsight of what happened with Lily.

Isolde fell apart, and though she knows it wasn't her fault - or, isn't it? wasn't she the one who cut herself off from the Force, bringing her to this point? - it doesn't stop her from feeling partially useless for it. What sort of master does she make if she's so easily destroyed? A soft sigh escapes her lips as she tests out the edges of the blunted vibrosword.

She's not a master, she reminds herself. She was barely a Knight before becoming exiled. It doesn't stop her from teaching the Force though. Or swordplay.

There's an echo inside of her, a lost limb from where Jaina and Lily were. It doesn't hurt now; the shock has long worn off. But it's lonely. Sad. Her connection to the Force is constantly getting closer and drifting away over and over, reminding her of ocean tides.

Everything set up now, she pushes those thoughts to the background, presses against Atton's presence for a comforting second, and waits for Malik to arrive.]

[ooc: yeah, I used Linkin Park :'| big whoop, wanna fight over it?]

assassin's creed: malik a-sayf, ☄knights of the old republic: the exile

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