We all have to train. Yes, even you Charles.

Nov 04, 2011 17:27

Characters: Charles Xavier excessivehubris and OPEN!!!
Location: Swoop Track
Planet: Coruscant
When: Sunday 11/6
What: Trraaaaaaiiinnnnnniiinnngggg
Rating: Say PG-13 for swearing and boo boos
Notes: Open log is open to any and all ( Read more... )

marvel (films): wolverine, marvel (films): charles xavier, thundercats: lion-o, marvel (comics): kurt wagner, !open, heroes: claire bennet, marvel (films): erik lehnsherr

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catlordbeyond November 6 2011, 02:17:32 UTC
Lion-O had been wanting to talk to Charles, since he'd visited the library, after their video conversation. He might have noticed Charles there, if not absorbed in his own research. It was troubling him that he'd found the Cathars were cats; not just that misfortune had befallen a species, or that they happened to be like his own, but that he felt angrier about it, now.

The send came to him as visions from the Sword of Omens had. He saw the Swoop Track. And as with the Sword, Lion-o had the sense that the vision wasn't fully in his command. He saw the place, and he had a sense that someone he wished to talk to might be there, but no more.

Lion-O arrived at the track in his work clothes: basic pants and sleeveless tunic, with light armor and sword belt. Employment as a merchant guard had afforded him gear similar to that from home, though nowhere near as regal or magical.


excessivehubris November 6 2011, 16:27:31 UTC
Charles was certainly no regal figure in any sense as he jogged along in non-descript sweats. He's worked up enough of a sweat to look fairly disheveled as he jogs and for at least half a lap he doesn't seem to recognize that anyone else is there.

Its only when his back is well to Lion-O that his rhythm falters and he draws up and turns sharply, spying the man.

"Oh! Hello there," Charles calls out in a warm, friendly tone, dropping into a walk as he begins to make his way back to where Lion-O is standing.


catlordbeyond November 6 2011, 18:56:24 UTC
Lion-O wondered what had given him away. Maybe the new sword belt made a sound; he was unaccustomed to wearing it. But he did not mention this confusion, instead smiling and greeting Charles with a wave.

"Charles. Right?" He asked. "I thought I should come here."

He looked over Charles's shoulder, past him, to see if something else was cause for the vision.


excessivehubris November 7 2011, 22:42:00 UTC
If a shadow crossed his face, it was brief and he gave his head a slight duck as he reached up to rub at his hair.

"Well, it does seem to be a good spot for some physical exercise," he offered while inwardly wincing at what he wondered might have been a slip.

Ah well best not to dwell on it. Instead, he thrust out his hand and smiled broadly.

"Yes, I'm Charles. Charles Xavier and you must be Lion-O. Its a pleasure to meet you."


catlordbeyond November 7 2011, 23:15:53 UTC
Lion-O didn't register the fleeting expression, but took the duck as something like uncertainty or confusion.

"Yeah. I hadn't thought to come here when a race wasn't on, before." If he had noticed the workers about their duties, he didn't comment. But, as a Prince or King, he was accustomed to some amount of lower-ranked people tending to things about him.

Lion-O was quick to return the smile and take the human hand in a firm shake. "Yes, good to meet you. Lion-O. Son of Claudus," he added, given that Charles had added a family name. "Lion-O is fine."

"It's strange...I'd meant to speak to you. I went to the library, after we spoke," he said, casually as he could.


excessivehubris November 8 2011, 00:14:19 UTC
Yeah he really should rethink this hand shaking habit, since not everybody on this world was human but it was just instinctive. Returning the shake, he lowered his hand and by now had at least caught his breath.

"Charles, please," he offered by way to give permission for first names, since Lion-O had offered his own given name.

"Of course, I'm sorry I wasn't available," he'd actually briefly surfaced for air before going back into the stacks. "How can I assist you?"


catlordbeyond November 8 2011, 02:48:37 UTC
"I didn't mean to interrupt." Lion-O gestured to the track about them. "It's just- Since you're here, and you've done research before...." He laughed out of need to diffuse the tension he felt.

"You ever learn things that disturb you in your research? Or, lose...objectivity?"


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