Characters: Mainly Samara
justicrazy & Shepard
only_mostlydead (but that's not to say apartment hall wanderers aren't allowed) ; open
Location: Apartment A-8
Planet: Coruscant
When: Oct 29th evening; a reasonable hour
What: Swearing the Third Oath of Subsumation, re-joining Shepard's crew
Rating: PG
"Shepard, I'm glad you made it," side stepping Samara welcomes her into the apartment. Since they last spoke Samara had been making good use of her time. She discarded the terrible jumpsuit for something more practical and aesthetically pleasing and even watched a stream of someone's research on Revan. Spending her time partaking in frivolous thing evoked nostalgia. However, she dismissed these longings as soon as Shepard was at the door.
It was back to business as usual.