Characters: Lois Lane, Andrew Wells, Logan Cale, Lily Evans, Kevin Flynn, Anya Jenkins, Faith Lehane, Buffy Summers, Jacen Solo, Stefan Salvatore, Riley Finn, Natasha Romanova, Xander Harris, Spike, Beck, Zekk, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Cordelia Chase, Brennan Mulwray, Marian Hawke, Anders, Nymphadora Tonks, Tron, Axel, Zuko, Spartan-B312,
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He was also uncertain why exactly he was here, other than out of a desire to finally do something. What was he fighting for? He thought for a moment.]
~To take these guys down. Because it takes a special, subterrainian level of LOW to plant a bomb in a children's hospital and create and set loose a planet-wide plague.~
[Admittedly, it was unclear to Axel whether the 'planet-wide' aspect had been intentional or not, but still...]
~And to make Emer Ikuh shut the hell up.~
[Well, no one said they had to be selfless reasons.
He nodded when he was indicated, pleased to know he'd been teamed with Tron. He wasn't sure how many people knew about Tron's... psychological situation, as it were, but he doubted it was very many. Things could go bad very quickly if his reprogramming took hold of him in the middle of a fight, and having someone there who knew what was going on could make all the difference. He'd have to ask Tron privately what he wanted done in such a situation.
Once the initial speech was over, he moved to join up with his group. Tron, he already knew and was comfortable with. Tonks... her he'd only heard of, seen on the datapads a bit. But she seemed alright. Now, he just needed to get Tron aside for a private word before they left...]
Less snarky, more sincere.] By the way, thanks for hooking me up.
[Grins a bit.] You two can work together all right? Tonks will be with you, she should take help with whatever they use against you with the Force. I've fought alongside her, she does well.
And yeah, I've never talked to her personally, but I've seen her on the datapads a bit. I think we'll get along alright.
[being aware of your teammate's possible blind spots is important, right?]
Once the groups began to split up and form into their individual teams, he moved quietly up to Axel, nodding and waving to Tonks where she was nearby. He was thankful for his teammates. He would have worked with whomever they had felt he should work with, yes, but he knew the both of them - and Flynn in the Watchtower overseeing his team's activities, to boot - and trusted them. He'd fought beside Tonks months ago, when things got really dicey, during the undead invasion. She knew Kevin quite well apparently, too, which pretty much meant she was seen as nothing short of one of the most trustworthy allies to have. Axel...well...he wasn't sure what it was about the User, but he liked him. And despite all that red hair, he had shown him compassion when he'd found out about Rinzler, had wanted to help.
Which brought his first concern of the evening back to the forefront of his mind. He wasn't looking forward to the conversation. Especially not since Tonks had no knowledge of his reprogramming as far as he knew. But...she was their leader in this mission. He...
He had to let her know. And warn her. Just in case.
Best to discuss it with them both at the same time. Get it over with. "Rip the synthflesh bandage off quick," as Users here might say.
He turned to Axel, a moment of hesitation on his face before he was leaning in close enough that he could whisper quietly to him, low enough that no one else would have been able to hear and hoping that Kevin didn't feel the need to approach in just that moment.
"Axel, before we go in, I...I need to talk to you. And Tonks, too. Alone, please."
Somehow, I get the feeling I know what this is about. But yeah, sound's good. There's an out-of-the-way corner over there where nobody should bother us. [He indiated a corner of the room a short distance away from the bulk of those present.]
You probably do. Come on, let's get this out of the way, before we're heading out and we don't have time.
[He glances back at Axel before walking over quietly in Tonks' direction.]
[[Segue! /o/ *points to Tonks' thready thing!*]]
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