i'm not calling you a liar//

Sep 10, 2011 12:17

Characters: Hawke, Anders, anyone else who tries to lever Hawke out of her room
Location: Hawke's room! And just outside it
Planet: Coruscant
When: After Aveline's death
What:Hawke has locked herself in her room and is ignoring the world. Feel free to stop by and bang on the door, although she may or may not reply :'D Action or prose okay!
Rating: ( Read more... )

dragon age: anders, dragon age: marian hawke

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abominable September 12 2011, 00:31:50 UTC
"See? Brilliance. If only I was First Enchanter, the world would truly be a brighter place." Anders answers, unable to keep from smiling a bit when he hand rests over his. Funny how small things like that seemed so much more intimate than anything else. He kind of liked it.

When she speaks again, asking him to stay in so many words he feels a bit at a loss. Admittedly it would probably be easier if he simply left- easier for him most likely. He wasn't entirely sure what to feel about all these feelings, and the long trained part of him that knew the best, fastest and easiest ways to flee was tugging at the edge of his mind.

Still, when he glanced over he couldn't help but wonder when the last time she slept had been, the healer part of him fretting over the stress of it. Or maybe it was just the large part of him that was incredibly fond of her. Anders was a smart man, maybe not in social situations but even he could tell this was probably one of those decisions, the one that set you on a certain path and kept you on it. Or maybe he was recognizing a last chance to run.

"If you recall I already answered that- you know, the rather valiant bit where I said 'I shall not leave your side.' Or... alright perhaps it hadn't been that exciting but you get the idea." He shifts some, free hand brushing over her forehead almost hesitantly. He swallowed. "... Anyway, as a healer I say get some Blighted rest. You're radiant, don't get me wrong, but a very tired looking radiant individual."


failedhorribly September 12 2011, 01:02:18 UTC
There's a moment after the words leave her mouth where she wonders if this is what free falling is like; Hawkes hates, and is very much unused to not having control over a situation.

He answers her query, though, after a brief moment of silence, and some muscles relax that she didn't know had been tensed in the first place. "I apologise, you did say that, didn't you?" She smirks at him, eyes dipping shut for a moment as he brushes her hair aside before she manages to open them again. "I guess a few things must have happened in between that made it slip my mind." She stifles a yawn. "Well. If you're saying it as a healer, I suppose I must oblige."


abominable September 12 2011, 02:06:25 UTC
Anders tries not to swallow again, which was harder than he thought it would be. It take him a moment to just smirk, settling in some. Screw consequences, right? Live in the moment.

"I forgive you, next time I'll aim for a more dramatic declaration- maybe wait for some thunder to punctuate it and everything." He answers, shifting his head to a more comfortable position. For sleeping. How did he end up sleeping next to a very naked Hawke exactly? Oh right, not dwelling on all that. "A good patient, how rare." He murmurs, smirk tugging at his lips again. "Good night Hawke."


failedhorribly September 12 2011, 05:18:22 UTC
"I hope this isn't you treatment plan for all your patients," she mumbles, eyes sliding shut. She doesn't open them again, half asleep already as she is.

Half asleep turns to entirely asleep as her body shifts on automatic, curling into his side and finally, for the first time in days, relaxing.


abominable September 12 2011, 22:25:43 UTC
"If only." Anders answers, mock mournfully. He opens his mouth to say something else but looks over at her. Huh, so that's what she looked like relaxed. He wondered how often that happened. Maybe he should be marking the date and time to proclaim a holiday to mark the day a miracle occurred. Really, she was missing out on gold with this snarky thought process. A shame he was such a gentleman and letting her rest.

He closes his own eyes, easing some of the tension he hadn't even realized he had been holding. Maker knew she'd be throwing herself at something sharp and dangerous tomorrow, he wondered how his future self dealt with it. Maybe he wrote manifestos on the subject. He couldn't help an amused exhale at the thought.


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